Chapter One; Summer School

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It's beautiful isn't it?

Auradon is the proud home to many fairytale hero's and sidekicks. Their children attend Auradon Prep, a place for them to thrive and grow as they learn what it takes to be a truly good person.

It was the end of Mackenzie Hightopp's first year at Auradon Prep. She used to live in Wonderland and attend Wonderland High, but now she studied here in the above.

Before, she didn't have many friends. Her fellow classmates used to always stay clear from the girl, claiming that she was weird. Well of course she would be, she was the daughter of Tarrant Hightopp, aka the Mad Hatter.

But now they had grown accustomed to the creative girl, seeing her odd comments or crazy laugh as apart of their daily routine. People would talk to more and even offered to be her partner for school projects.

She even made friends with the notorious VK's.

It seems like her and the VKs have grown closer ever since their adventure on the Isle. She knew that the four already had their own special bond, but it was nice that the four considered her a very good friend as well.

But of course, there would always be a few people that would make fun of her. Especially the girl that came back to Auradon for her final year of school, Audrey. Daughter of Sleeping Beauty. The vain girl thought it was weird how they had accepted someone from Wonderland into Auradon, especially the daughter of a so called "mad man". Of course, it didn't help the fact that she hanged around the VK's a lot. And unfortunately, Mackenzie had been stuck with her during summer school.

During class today, she was waiting for bell to patiently rang as she daydreamed a doodled. Jumping when she felt something hit her head, she saw a wad of paper on her desk. Opening it, she frowned to see it was a rather rude note that said 'imagine having a tooth gap, that's so embarrassing!'

"Oh I'm sorry, that was meant for the trash." Audrey said, coming up behind her and yanking it out if her hands. Smirking as she walked towards the garbage bin. Mackenzie knew good and well that she meant for her to see that note.

But frankly, Mackenzie coukd really care less. It was the last day of summer school and after today she wouldn't have to deal with her. The bell then rang, her only having to walk a short distance to her locker before opening it, putting her books up. Looking at her Calendar, she saw the list of things that she needed to do/needed to be at. She needed to bake a cake for Carlos for Jane's birthday on June 3rd, which was this upcoming Saturday. And since Mackenzie had to stay an extra week in school because she needed to get her potions' credits in before the end of the year, and her decision to stay in Auradon to help out Carlos and the other's, her father was supposed to arrive the same day for them to spend the weekend together.

Sighing as she closed her locker, she jumped when she saw a familiar boy right behind her door. "Chandler!" She breathed out, putting a hand on her chest.

"I didn't mean to scare you Mac." He snickered, smiling widely at her. Rolling her eyes, the two began walking through the crowded hallways.

Chandler Cat was Mackenzie's best friend since diapers, having gone through pre-school - high school with him. I'm fact, the only period where he wasn't apart of her life was last year during her first year at Auradon. But now he was enrolled into the same school as her once more, the two being seen in almost every class together.

"So I wonder what this so-called VK Day is gonna be like." He commented, snorting at the thought. Mackenzie rolled her eyes, shaking her head a bit.

Chandler didn't really like the VK's as much as Mackenzie did. Did he hate them? Of course not. But if he had the choice between hanging out with them or taking a cat-nap, he would choose the latter.

"I think it's a great idea! Giving four Isle kids to experience a better life here in Auradon." She said, memories of witnessing what the Isle was truly like last year coming back to her.

"Yeah, yeah." He dismissed, waving his hand at her. "I think you're just holding onto the small chance that you'll get to see that pirate again."

Perking up at the mention, she blushed slightly while shaking her head. "The pirate has a name you know. His name is Harry, and I sincerely doubt that he, out of all the kids and teens in the Isle, will be picked. Especially since he tried to kill Mal's boyfriend." She sighed out.

Had she thought about the idea, of Carlos or Jay even picking him? Of course she had. But that thought was too wild, even for her.

"Well either way, just gives me more fresh blood to play tricks on." He snickered before slowly floating away. Rolling her eyes fondly, she made her way into her dorm. Opening her door, she saw Jane on the phone, rambling to someone.

"What do you mean there aren't any purple roses? Without purple roses then the scene won't be perfect! And this has to be perfect! I expect nothing less than perfection, so you better find me some purple roses! Right now!" She ranted before hanging up the phone.

"Woah girl, breath." Mackenzie chuckled, licking the door close behind her. "What's got you so stressing?"

Jane bit her lip. "I can't tell you, it's supposed to be a surprise!"

"Well you don't have to tell me the-!"

"Ben is proposing to Mal next week before they get the kids from the Isle!" She admitted. "I've already told Evie, Carlos, and Jay! Even though Ben told me not too, so what's the point not telling you!"

Mackenzie blinked slightly before sighing, putting her hands on Jane's shoulders. "Jane."


"Breath." She said. Jane looked at her before taking deep breath, letting it out shortly after. "It's all gonna be ok, ok? Just... have a little faith!"

"Yeah... yeah. Faith, faith is good." Just then, knock could be heard from the door. Opening the door, Mackenzie smiled at the sight of Carlos.

"Well about time Carlos, your girlfriend is flipping out." She teased, making Carlos chuckle.

"Nice to see you too, Kenz." He greeted before going towards Jane. Deciding to give the couple their moment, see grabbed her tote-bag before briskly leaving their dorm.

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