Chapter Three; Tea Time Interrupted

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One o'clock was Mackenzie's tea time

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One o'clock was Mackenzie's tea time.

She always had a schedule for everything, a routine. Some routines would change depending on the day, but tea time never changed.

Back in Wonderland, her and her Father would always have tea at one o'clock. So when she transferred here she knew she wouldn't be able to have their tea parties anymore. So instead she had her tea at the exact same time, that way she could at least have the comfort of knowing her Father was also having his tea as the same time as her's.

She also insisted on having tea alone. It was a sacred time for her, making sure that her now friends knew not to disturb her during that time. All she needed was her rose printed tea set, a blanket, and her book and she was content.

So when Carlos appeared not even 15 minutes into her hour long personal time she was just the slightest bit annoyed.

"Mackenzie!" He said, slamming into the spot next to her. She jumped, careful not to spill any of her mint tea before looking at Carlos. "I'm sorry, I know it's your tea time and all."

"Yes that is correct." She said, pulling out her phone. "It's not even 1:15 yet! This better be good."

"I'm sorry, I just have a very important question to ask you." He said, looking around.

"And the question would be..?"

"Um... you're friends with Jane?"

"She's my roomie, yes. Why?"

"Do you think, by any chance..." Mackenzie waited for him to finish, tapping the delicate china with her nails. "Is she going to Cotillion with anyone? Like, with a date I mean."

Kenzie furrowed her eyebrows at the question before gasping as realization hit her. Setting the teacup down gently, she smiled widely at Carlos. "I see. You fancy Jane!"

"Shhh! Not too loud!" He hissed, putting a hand over her mouth. Glaring at him playfully, she took his wrist before moving his hand away.

"Oh relax!" She laughed.

He shook his head, standing up. "But do you think she'd say yes? If I did ask her that is?"

The girl hummed in thought before nodding. "I wouldn't see why not!" She said, taking another sip of her tea, making a face at it. "Oh crumbs, it's cold!" She whined, dumping the tea out before putting her cup, kettle, and book in her basket.

"I'm sorry, I guess I owe you one." He said, offering a hand to her. She grinned, as she nodded, taking his hand. He pulled her up, grabbing her pink and yellow checkered blanket and folding it for her.

"Thank you good fellow." She said, taking the folded blanket from her. "But you do owe me some more tea."


"You know me very well." She confirmed as the pair started walking toward the school.

Meeting up with Mal, Evie, and Jay, the duo joined them in their walk around the school. Walking around the courtyard, there was a chorus of Jay's name being called by different girls, some more flirtatious with than the other.

"Why do you torture them?" Carlos asked, hitting Jay's chest. "Just pick someone to go to Cotillion with you already."

"I'm going solo! That way I can dance with all of them." He chuckled. "I'd even save a dance for you Mackenzie!"

"In your dreams! I only know one dance and that's the Flutterwacken." She said, smiling at memories of her dad teaching her that 'odd' dance.

"Right." Jay said, shaking his head a bit at the girl's answer.

"Ok but if you were gonna ask someone, what's the best way to go?" Carlos asked.

"Simple." Jay said, flashing him a smirk. "All you gotta do is look like me."

"Ha ha." Carlos laughed dryly, rolling his eyes before halting when he almost bumped into someone.

"Hey Mal!" Jane called, walking up to the group with Lonnie following her heels. Carlos froze, staring at the girl.

"Hey Jane." He said, his cheeks forming into a pink color.

"Hey." She said, smiling at him. Kenzie and Jay simultaneously nudged him, Carlos giving them a quick glare before looking back at his crush.

"I was wondering... uh," he stuttered, looking back at his friends before going back to Jane. "If you liked th-the carrot cake last night?" Kenzie would've face-palmed herself if she could at her friend's stupidity.

"Oh! I actually had the pumpkin pie." She answered, which made the conversation even more awkward.

"This is hard to watch." Mackenzie muttered, looking at Jay. Jay nodded before grabbing Carlos' shoulders and dragging him away, leaving the girls to talk.

"We have an opening for a fitting at 3, who wants it?"

"Me!" Lonnie, daughter of Mulan, said quickly. Kenzie jumped, not knowing where the girl came from.

"Perfect!" Evie then turned to Jane. "We'll work you in tomorrow." She said, leading Lonnie away. Kenzie followed, listening to what Lonnie wanted for her dress.

"I would love Cherry Blossoms incorporated into the theme of my dress with hints of Arctic Blue." Evie nodded, writing it down in her sketchbook that she carries everywhere. "And I'd rather not have you make a headpiece. Sorry Mackenzie."

"That'll get you I suppose." She muttered to herself, nodding.

"So question." Evie said, closing her book. "The Cotillion is basically like an engagement party for Mal and Ben, correct?"

"Oh yeah it is." Lonnie confirmed, making Evie smile in delight.

"Well I guess you'll be designing Mal's wedding dress." Mackenzie said, smiling as Evie nodded excitedly as the three went back over to Mal.

"I just can't wait to see what your wedding will look like!" Lonnie said in excitement.

"Oh yeah, it's gonna be- wait what?" Mal interrupted herself, staring at Jane for confirmation.

"The Royal Cotillion is basically getting engaged to be engaged to be engaged!" Jane confirmed.

"Oh I knew it!" Evie cheered, smiling at the thought of her best friend getting married.

"Why so shocked? Everyone knows it!"

"Well I didn't know it! How could nobody tell me that?" Mal asked, becoming freaked out and starting to ramble. Mackenzie frowned in pity, about to tell the girls to give her a break before Ben appeared behind Mal.

"Hi Mal."

"Hi Ben!" Evie, Jane, and Lonnie greeted simultaneously. Mackenzie just grinned at him, holding her basket close to her.

Jane then quickly pulled Ben away, making Mal frown. Evie smiled before grabbing Mal and Kenzie's arm, dragging them away for class.

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