Chapter 8 : Pastel Princess Cakes

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Ely's POV:

"Hmm, I wonder...." I sighed as I fluffed my skirts, wondering if I picked the right clothes for an afternoon tea with the princess.

"Milady. Are you thinking that perhaps..." Linda looked concerned at my ceaseless sighing.

"I am pretty sure the princess knows."

"Then the reason why she invited you was that she wants to find out the truth?"

"Maybe. But who knows. I can only find out if we get there."

"She may be able to help quell those false rumors, milady. They are getting out of control." Linda huffed indignantly that her tail started showing, the bushy white thing thumping furiously on the seat cushions.

" Linda. Your tail is showing." I smirked when the maid made it vanish but after looking flustered. "The rumors are just rumors. I am sure they will die down soon enough. Let us just hope my present to her highness pleases her."

She looked at the pretty cake box sitting on my lap.

Most of the noble ladies bring pieces of jewelry, priceless artifacts, or limited edition hats or scarves to a royal princess when they are invited to take tea with them.

My present was a little different.

"I am sure she won't be able to eat them. They are too pretty."


The Princess Palace inside the Royal Grounds of Ilios was like a cotton candy edifice due to the light pink color of the rosette quartz stone used to make the building. Sprawling crystal fountains, green lawns, and silver fir trees and hedges were added to bolster its angelic image

It was an eye-catching structure indeed

Once I set foot on the entrance. I saw a footman guide us to the garden gazebo where the Princess was waiting for us.

I was quite surprised the Princess Anneal invited me to tea. My image nowadays was not particularly stellar or pristine.

My husband has been rather busy getting everything in order before we go on our honeymoon, so I never told him about the rumors because he has been coming home tired, but I feel guilty not to confide in him.

But I never did think such baseless rumors would get out of hand either.

I snapped out of my musing and greeted Princess Anneal, seated amidst a beautifully prepared tea party table. Her periwinkle eyes glimmered as we both curtsied before her.

"I greet the fifth flower of the kingdom. " I murmured smoothly.

"Hello, Your Grace. Please sit."

I took my seat and soon she had her maid serve tea and even some cakes.

Looking over the modest desserts spread over the table; the tableware and flowers more than made up for the assortment of sweets.

In fact, small amounts of sweets for tea suit me just fine.

"These are just some leftover cheesecakes and baked goods I managed to save after the Mysterious Cake Maker's best cakes arrived at the Princess Palace. As the youngest princess; I was only given this much." Anneal smiled a little too brightly.

But somehow I felt a twinge of embarrassment and sadness from her voice.

As we took tea, I noticed right away that she has good taste in picking fruit-infused tea for the desserts on the table were primarily made of cream cheese and fruit.

My Lady Chef { La Vita Series } - Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now