Chapter 34: His Past and Present

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Dramatic and emotional chapter ahead. Strap yourselves in and get some popcorn.


Ezran's POV:

"I was the firstborn son of the duke and his legal wife." I began my story slowly. "As the heir apparent; I was taught by a multitude of tutors and taken care of by servants."

Alaina listened in silence so I continued.

"My parents were not mates. Their marriage was an arranged one; it was made to ensure the best bloodline for the Flamberge line. My father is not what you call a responsible man for he prefers pursuing his pleasures rather than managing our prosperous Lands. Luckily what he lacked in talent; our house's capable vassals and servants practically ran the inner workings of the Mansion and estate with minimal problems."

"It was not a bad time in my life. The duke never bothered me when I was a child, he merely observed me and talked to my tutors most of the time as per his duties as my sire. However, my mother, Duchess Millia loved me and spent time with me the moment I took my first breath and laid eyes upon her."

My stiffness relaxed as I recounted the time when I was reprimanded by my tutor for not being able to summon fire even after weeks of magick training.

My mother was the one who held me and put ointment on my reddened palms after being whipped with a riding crop.

I can never forget what she looks like. A calm subdued beauty with wheat blonde hair with hues of brown and gentle green eyes with a slender and fragile built.

She always dresses in simple yet elegant gowns and is always accompanied by her handmaid, the deceased Mrs. Yates.

Her kindness and the lullabies she sang to me kept me going throughout my childhood.

"Your mother sounds lovely." She smiled at me.

"She would have loved you if she were here." I kissed her fingers and felt very emotional at the thought of my mother.

" So....your first years of being a child were peaceful compared to your teenage years?"

My face contorted at the dark memories that I wanted to forget.

Dark ones.

"I started noticing my father's proclivities as I excelled in my studies and martial training as an heir but I never knew what it was until....that night."

It happened one night when I accidentally went to his room to show him how much I advanced in my magick lessons.

I could not believe it. The moment I opened the door without knocking; that was the first time I saw my father having sex with another woman.

A woman who was not my mother.

The unbidden memory of my father's throbbing cock moving in and out of the squealing panting woman, as he yanked her arms while thrusting savagely inside her,  was enough to shock my young impressionable mind.

Then...I felt strange as my father's
rough voice and heavy grunts coupled with the woman's screams.

My lower region started reacting and then my father's head turned and locked with mine.

Then he grinned and summoned a servant who held me immobile as he made me watch while he fuck until the woman passed out and another woman took her place.

"I was 11 at that time and at that age, My body and powers were fluctuating on what my mother says are "growing pains". I was embarrassed to say that this was the first time I had an erection and my father humiliated me as he laughed while fucking sluts who were not my mother," I growled. "He have truly paid attention to me for the first time."

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