Chapter 37: Explosive Popularity

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Linda's POV:

A lot things started changing after the my mistress show cased her talents at a Live Cooking Event.

As someone who is by her side at all times; I witness just how much she has changed other people's lives.

Thanks to her explosive success in being the first and only female chef able to process the rare Soul Fruit into a dish.

Many diplomats soon started asking for an invitation to the Aisenburg Mansion by sending letters to the household.

Because they are more at ease eating at the table of a chef who is able to utilize a lot of bold flavors into their dish.

It reminds them of home and my mistress has good hostess skills.

Cafe Terra's popularity has exploded once again and I heard that plans for reconstructing the cafe into a bigger space and seperating half of it as a bakery cafe was underway.

They are on the verge of hiring new help to manage the baking team now.

And as for the ladies who were inspired by Lady Alaina.

They both passed their exams with high marks and are currently on their way to Kalderos to register for their classes, tour the school and get their dorm rooms settled before the actual semester starts in spring.

The day of their departure. The Duchess and I personally saw them off along woth with a retinue of Aisenburg knights.

The duchess introduced Lady Lorelei to the Princess as they each assessed each other.

They were polite in the end and both were cordial to each other as they boarded their ship and soon sailed away.

When I asked the duchess why are they going there early.

It was because the ladies wanted to spend their last winter with family before school starts so they went in early so that they can return during the start of winter before going to school at the start of spring.

This was the only window of opportunity for them.

I understood and wished the ladies my duchess favored all the best.


Word has also spread about the new and fresh dishes the duchess had invented throughout society and the kingdom.

Initially, she never advertised that she conceptualized "set meals" which was a hit among the common folks and workers around the Third Ring District.

But with her fame; word soon got out and as a result; the cafe's regulars all but doubled.

Then the mages and adventurers also took a liking to the cafe's food and more nobles would send their servants in secret to purchase the famous roll cakes and sweet breads that always sells out everyday.

When word got out that the duchess invented the set meals to make sure that every customers gets the satisfaction of a full balanced meal while being cheap and affordable.

It just won the hearts of the working people.

Because for them, a piece of bread and a bowl of stew or cheese was the norm but now they cannot go back to that kind of food because of Cafe Terra's set meals.


The Prince's frequent visits to have dinner with the Aisenburgs have the ton intrigued with the food that is served at the duke's house.

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