Chapter 10: More Rumors

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Ely's POV:

Having a Princess as my ally has its uses.

Even if it was the fifth princess.

She is a valuable puzzle piece and a very interesting young woman.

After an agreement was reached between us, I had Linda infiltrate the Princess Palace to quietly observe Princess Anneal's everyday life there and whether she could really be trusted.

And after a week, she gave me a report.

According to Linda. The fifth princess is often bullied and ostracized by the First Princess and her cronies whenever they cross paths. The little girl stoically endured her older sister's insults and followed her orders when given a few scrolls of paper containing instructions.

Linda told me that they were instructions for her to plan the First Princess' parties for the next month.

Ahhh. So.

My first hunch about the fifth princess's talent for organization and party planning was right all along. I would wager that she also had a hand at making the Prince's party last time as well.

The First Princess lied and took credit for Princess Anneal's hard earned work.


I also got a report on the Queen's stance on her younger daughter and it seems like she neglects her entirely because of her meekness and lack of hunger to do what is needed to have power.

The princess I saw was not meek. She was a girl filled with life and is very vivaciousness. If given a healthy environment on where she can thrive....

She would be more than a match for anyone and her organizational skills can be a boon to her.

She is a wild card and a valuable puzzle piece for an entrepreneur like me.

But most of all...

I want to help her.

But first, I must dispel the latest rumors popping about as they were getting annoying as of late.

Aside from my supposed "cruelty" and "recklessness" at the Guthrie campaign.

Rumors are now calling my culinary prowess into question.

Because nobles don't usually learn how to cook so it was easy to believe that while my head chefs can cook.

They do not believe I can. Some of the nastier rumors accused me of lying and stealing my chef's credit and parading it as my accomplishment.

Linda also reported that many nobles and anonymous people have tried to lure Jorge and Neo with better positions and pay*.

*reference Volume 2 - Chapter 7

But they both refused to leave their position multiple times.

When I talked to them about this, they were adamant that they are happier under my employment and swore that they would never leave me.

Which cheered me up significantly in the coming days....


The following weeks was where it started becoming worse.

The usual invitations to me were cut off and some were even taken back and their reply was very rude.

Only my husband was asked to attend certain balls or galas.

This hurt me deeply...

All because of the rumors going about.

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