Chapter 19: Live Cooking Event!

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Ezran's POV:

The moment I showed myself at the main ballroom, A few ladies tried to approach me but they stayed away when I intensified my aura to a point where some even got sick and fainted.

A few men (who have stronger stomachs) managed to exchange pleasantries, due to how I treated my wife. Most of them were smart enough to remain pleasant in front of my face.

"Your Grace, I noticed that you came back without the duchess. What with all the bad rumors about her going about " his grin looked sly and probing as he eyed me. "It appears being with her has its limits."

The men beside him turned pale as my gaze trained on him.

....There is always one crazy idiot who dares tickle a sleeping dragon.

I immediately remembered who he was and continues to intensify my aura as I held his gaze.

Second later, the weakling collapsed foaming at the mouth much to the horror of some people.

A few servants silently appeared and took him away.

"Any other nonsense you would you wish to impart on me, gentlemen?"

The moment these suck ups saw what happened, their sweaty faces and shaking bodies discreetly left my sight.

As I took a wine glass from a passing server and sipped the wine to cool the seething hunger.

I went to a small balcony to drink in peace all while thinking of my wife.

When Belmont informed me of this plan to do an actual food demonstration, I initially wanted refuse.

Chefs cooking fresh dishes at a festival is alright because of the jovial atmosphere around it.

But it is different when you are cooking live at a royal event where you are under everyone's scrutiny is added pressure for any chef.

Where one mistake can mean the end of your reputation.

My wife always requires hours of intense concentration and focus when making new dishes which is why she has the culinary house all to herself to do all she can in private.

She is doing well keeping her cool...

But imagining the mounting pressure when I left her to get ready....

I swear to the Gods and Goddesses...

Pray that she weathers this event well.

I wanted to support my wife more but she smiled and told me that I have helped her in every way I can.

And yet...I am not satisfied.

I truly wish I could have done more to help her.

I flinched when someone entered the balcony.

The smell of roses wafted through the night air and I gripped the wine flute tight.

"I finally have you alone, Milord."


"LEAVE." I nearly roared at Lady Lorax who was dress in a frothy pink ensemble.

She was relentless. Still thinking that I would come back to her.

Delusional female. She is more trouble than she is worth.

"Come now, you aren't actually angry at me. It is your wife who is dragging the Aisenburg name through the mud." She appeared distraught but then her full lips split into a coy grin. " can consider...other possibilities to repair the Aisenburg House's honor."

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