Chapter 21: The Soul Fruit Blooms

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Alaina's POV:

As the chaotic noises inside cooking doom continued. I pulled out the Soul Fruits that were secretly delivered to me.

Melon like Fruits with a dull pink color, spotty markings and golden spiky leaves.

According to Igneus and Undine. The real appearance of the Soul Fruit was a beautiful rainbow fruit that tastes different  for every color.

The catch is that I must infuse mana for every cooking process I used

And..If I use fire mana as the first step, I must alternate with water mana and repeat the process of alternating till I am done.

They also told me how to cook one perfectly since they witnessed someone from the past process it.

So I have been running trials for days in my kitchen.

After some failures and mistakes. I finally trained my body to perfect the cook on the Soul Fruit.

The taste was amazing and I paired it with a few ingredients but the flavor weakens when combined with other ingredients like flour or butter.

But it oddly does well with water, cream and other pureed fruit flavors.

So I decided to just keep the Soul Fruit flavor as pure as possible with a bit of artistic flair.

For that....I used a dessert from my memory that trended for a time but went out of style.

The Raindrop Cake and Gelatin Art.

"Linda. I need your help." I whispered what I need and my trusty handmaid nodded.

While I entrusted Neo and Jorge with the other desserts to fit the theme.

Linda and I concentrate on processing the Soul Fruit.

First set a three pots to boil and four containers to a slow simmer.

Parboil the cleaned fruit in a smaller pot after cutting off the golden leaves for 5 minutes at a constant temperature of 90 degrees.

No more no less.

"Undine. Igneus. Help me."

Roger! Roger!

Let's do this.

My sprites were inside me to avoid showing the whole crowd that I am a contractor as I kept my hands a few inches from the slow boiling pot but close enough to weave and infuse the right ratio of water and fire mana energy.

Which is harder to do but I can do to of it concentrate. To achieve that, Linda slipped a silence charm on my pocket. Something she made to mute out the cacophony of noise for just 4 minutes.

Almost there....

I felt the fruit's skin color change and I immediately took my hand away and switched of the pot.

I saw everyone gasp when I took the pot to the sink and drained the water...

Which was dyed pink.

Linda handed me a pair of tongs and I fished out the Soul Fruit which turned ice blue in color.

Every guest gasped in awe. The once spotty pink fruit now had smooth skin and the fragrant flowery smell wafted from it.

I wasted no time and dunked it in a huge bowl filled with ice water.

But only for 20 minutes.

I pulled it out and according to Undine, tap the fruit firmly.

If it is producing a hollow sound.

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