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"No more tears,
  because I didn't lose you.
  You lost me."


" Tiara?"

I stood still, mouth and eyes wide open. Still confused as my emotions are scattered everywhere. I'm shocked, hurt and mad all together. Why? Why now? Now that I was finally ready to let him go? Why now after so many years? Why he has to show up now when everything was going good? Why why why? His emotions were no different. Shocked, happy, relief and astonishment? His last emotion didn't sit right with me. Did he wish that I was dead along with my family too? I was still in his tight grip, like he was never going to let go of me again. I was out of my speechless situation when Fiona cursed from behind. "Fuck".

Well fuck indeed. I pushed myself away from his grip and touch, suddenly not liking the tingles that took over my body. He had no authority to look hurt. Like he deserve any sympathy from me. Although my mind was a huge hurricane right now, I didn't want him to see how shaken I am from this unexpected meeting. God please give me strength to fight this feeling. I don't want to look hopeless or broken to him. I don't want him to know that he still has that hold on me. So without giving anything away, I walked past him towards the restaurant not once looking back, leaving his sorry ass shell shocked. Afraid I might go week if I look into those green eyes again. He'll no!

Without another word or commotion, Gerald and Fiona followed me inside the restaurant. Thankfully He didn't follow us inside or I would have erupted like a volcano infront of everyone. I was that pissed at him. I took an empty seat and my friends followed taking the two opposite to mine without another word. I know the word vomit was about to come but they were controlling it for my sake. I'm grateful for that. "Um...girl? You alright?" Or not. I spoke too soon. I raised my eyes to meet both of theirs and didn't like the pity in them for me.

"I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT IT!" I spoke with gritted teeth. She bobbed her head and let it go...for now. Gerald was quiet all this time. "Let's order" he said, finally breaking his silence. I hummed, even though my appetite was long gone. Anything to get away from an acward situation. As soon as the waiter arrived he took our orders and we waited untill the food arrived. Other then speaking random words like "pass me the bowl" or "its good", we avoided any kind of conversation. Luckily, Gerald got a call from one of our vendors and we started discussing about some random topics.

The ride home was no different. I was still in a daze. The entire meeting with him was an action replay again and again playing in my mind. I laid my head on the glass and watch the city pass away. I tried real hard but still went back to the sweet bitter memory lane 7 years back. I know I was hurting myself by going back there even though I promised myself never to, I just can't help it. I still remember our fist meeting.

7 years back..

My parents were celebrating their anniversary and my brother and his group of friends were trekking somewhere in the mountains. I was standing all alone outside the library waiting for my ride back home. I could have called my dad but I didn't want to interrupt their romantic evening by asking him to pick me up. So I decided to be brave for once and fetch a ride on my own but, Fiona volunteered to pick me up. Suddenly my phone rang and I was relived to see her on the other line. Before I could ask where she was, she screemed curses at someone. "Oh I would like you to try, you fucker!" My eyes went wide with worry.

"Fiona? Are you ok? What's happening? Where are you?" I started panicking. I was afraid, she might have hit someone in the rush to pick me up. "Just the street behind the library. This asshole came from the wrong side and hit my baby." Before she could go on and on about the accident, my feet started moving on its own towards the back street. I feel sorry for the guy who hit her car. Fiona Loves her Merc to death. One scratch and she would be crying untill it's fixed. That guy must have woke up on the wrong side of the bed today to have to face the devil.

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