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"Wake up, wild one!
Your mind is a cageless bird
waiting to fly to uncharted lands. Like the phoenix,
you'll rise again
with renewed vigor, clarity, compassion and insight."



"Someday you have to let him go and moov on. Trust me...he is not worth it."

"I am not ready yet Carson. Just leave me alone. Why don't you, dad and mom go without me? I promise I'll join you guys the next time."

"Not gonna happen. You think I'll let you sit here and cry your eye out? In your dreams. I'll give you 5 minutes to get out of this room, orelse I'm dragging you out of here."

"What is the meaning of this? You're not out of your bed yet? I knew sending you here was useless."

"I almost succeded, before you so rudly interrupted me mom."

"Get up and help me pack the snacks for the road Tia. This is not you. I'll not let a chipo destroy my precious daughter's life. I want you in the car in next 10 minutes. Am I making myself clear, young lady? Don't let me come up again"

"Aai aai captain!"

"Come on get up you lazy goose!"

"Aau..you're so dead when I get my hands on you carie."

"Take it back, monkey. I dare you call me that again."

"What? Caries?"

"That's it. I'm done being saint."

"Aaaaaaaa. Daaaad! Save me!"

"She's waking up!" Tiara! dad? Save me. Tiara? Can you hear me? She pass..

"Are we there yet?"

"No yet"

"Are we there yet?"


"Dad? How much longer? You sure we're going the right way?"

"Settle down kids. We'll be there soon."

"Maura? Can you pass me the bottle of water please?"

"Hmn. Here....Rob!!"

"Dad! Watch out!"

Smack! Crack!

"Dad! Mom!"

"Carson! Oh my god..you're bleeding. What do I do?"



"You sure that's her Rosa?"

"I'm damn sure. My reading lead me to her. She's definitely the one."

"Who are you two?"

"Well.. I'm Rosa and this here is my friend, Suri. I'm so sorry. It was not my intention to kill your family but it just happened."

"What have I done to you?"

"Not yet. But if you live, you will. So this ends today. Suri, will you like to do the honour?"

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