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"Not belonging is a terrible feeling.
It feels awkward and
it hurts, as if you were wearing someone else's shoes"



"...sleeping right now. Come back later, Sophia." I opened my eyes to Brenton telling Sophia off. "Brenton. I really need her like right now. It can't wait for later. We talked about this yesterday and she specifically asked me to wake her up at this time, no matter what." I did? I smiled getting up. That little liar. Brenton must have given up and let her in. I saw a figure rushing towards me with the brightest smile on her face. "GoodMorning sunshine! See I came to wake you up as promised. Now get up and get ready, or we'll be late." She said pleading with her eyes to go with her lie. "Thankyou for waking me up, Sophia. I'm really glad, you remember. " I said smiling at her.

Brenton leaned on the wall and narrowed his eyes at both of us. "Where are guys going?" He asked suspicious. I looked at Sophia for some help. "Ladies stuff." Is all she said. "Ladies stuff? Yes. That is what it is all about." I said, going with the lie. He sighed and pushed himself from the wall. "Fine. Go wait outside Sophia. Give me 2 minutes with my mate." Said Brenton eyeing me. I stood up awkwardly, as Sophia nodded and walked out but, not before asking me to come out soon.

As soon as the door closed, he pulled me to him. "I know my sister too well to figure out that she was lying. And also figure out by reading your emotions that you were covering for her. So, are you going to confess, what are you two up to now?" He asked smirking. I smiled at him. "I have no idea, seriously. I just went with her lie. So, let's just find out, what is she up to." I said, side stepping him. "And you think, you can escape me so easily, just after we had an wild night?" He pecked my lips. "I was just trying to be a good sister in law, you know?" I said, defending myself which didn't workout.

His hands squeezed by rare cheeks making me gasp. "If you get into any trouble, which I can smell already, handover your ass willingly to me, for spanking." He warned in a husky voice, doing just that to one of cheek. "Rude." I said, pouting. He pulled my pouting lips and fierce kiss, making me moan into his mouth. "Go" is all he said smirking, making me glare at him. "Tease" I said, walking away, making him laugh behind me. I opened the door, making Sophia almost fall over me. "Wow. I didn't hear you coming." She said guiltily. "Eavesdropping is bad Sophia. Now spill, why I had to cover up your lies?" And get spanked.

"You need to talk...convince my brothers for me to join you in the trip." She said, biting her lips. "Why do you think, they'll listen to me because last time I heard, they are still mad at me for going on this trip " I said, glaring at her. "Please Tiara. For me. I'm going for the same reason you're." I raised an brow at her. "I might have sort of found my mate and he's going to the war. I just don't want him to die down there without even claming me, or more like not even getting a chance to know him." She looked dejected. I fell pity for her. "Why don't you go tell your brothers the same. I'm sure they'll understand." I said, trying to make her feel better. "No I can't do that. If they find out, they would not let my mate go to this war and...he doesn't want that." She said with a sad face.

I sighed. "What a mess? But what am I going to tell them? Also did you not listin to me when I said, they are mad at me?" She smirked. "Just tell them, you can't stay away from them in a seductive way and boom" I took a step back with her expressive hand gesture. "They can't  resist your charm and..." she gave me a wicked look. "...voila, I'm in." Does she think it's that easy? When she saw I wasn't impressed by her ideas, her face fell. "Pleeeeeease Tiara. For me?" Oh that puppy eyes again. "Fine" her face lit up. "But...if I get in any kind of trouble, you owe me one." I told her and she vigorously nodded her head. "Deal!" She said hugging me. Let's get you dressed up. Eeeeeehhh haaaaa" She laughed wickedly. Sometimes I doubt if she is a dragon or a devil. Bless the man's soul who is her mate.

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