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"You're so close to steel
Yet so far to feel
You're so close to hear
Yet can't hear me I fear
You're so close to catch
Yet so far to fetch
You're so close to see
Yet...so far to me"



The god must be crazy or my life is just a joke to him. A source of entertainment, that he can't stop making a drama out of it. Its just getting better and better. I was just dealing with the fact that I, a human was somehow mated to my ex husband, a Dragon but, never had I ever imagined to be mated to his brother too. That's not possible. Or it's just part of their act to claim me? I came out to get away from the suffocating auras of supernatural inside the ball room but, I think I'm not that lucky huh?

I looked from one brother to the other to their sisters and their husbands back and forth, confused if I heard it right? "Actually...it's not just Kenneth and Blaze. You're destined to all of us. As in Brenton, Drake and Me too. I'm Kaiden, by the way." Said one of Kenneth's brothers, making me go numb. I stood there processesing the news, like they didn't just gave me a death sentence. Literally. I might look as I feel, shell shocked to them. "Tiara"?

I felt relief hearing a familiar voice. My friends. "Tiara. Girl you ok? What's happening here?" Asked Fiona, looking around. "Gerald? Why is she not talking? What did you people do to her?" She asked, hugging me. I wanted to say that I'm fine but, the words were just stuck. My mouth was sealed for some reason. "Enough of this. I'm taking you guys home. Let's go." Said Gerald, standing beside me.

"No you can't. Not yet." Said someone. Gerald was standing still right beside me and Fiona rubbing my back, panickingly. "We're in the middle of a conversation. You can wait or leave with your mate but, OURS is staying right here." Said a deep voice. This made us look behind us. "What the fuck are you all smoking? She's no one's fucking mate! She's my sister and I have every right to take her home, because she doesn't want anything to do with you guys. None of you. Tiara?" Gerald asked, making me nod immediately.

"See? She wants to leave. We're leaving. " He announced to no one in particular, before dragging me towards the parking lot. Fiona followed. "Brenton No!" I hear someone scream. Before I know it, I was pulled back to a hard warm chest and caged in a huge strong arms. Spark flew where our body touched and he growled. I watched wide eyes as Fiona closed her mouth and screemed when 2 people tackled Gerald to the ground. "Stop!" I screemed. "Stop it. Don't hurt him." I felt so helpless trapped in these arms as his hands tighten around my waist.

"Someone stop them please!" Cried out Fiona, helpless. Gerald growled. "Get off me, you lizards! Let my sister go!" I saw four more figure rushing towards them. Kenneth was one of them. "Kaiden! Blaze! Let him go! Tiara are you okay? Brenton? Let her go." Said someone. But he didn't. They let Gerald go slowly and he got up at once, straightening his jacket. "Gerald?!" Said Fiona hugging him to death. He didn't hesitate in giving his mate the needed comfort. I sighed in my trapped arms. "Brenton? Let her loose. Let's talk ok?" Said Alison, coming to rescue.

Slowly but reluctantly I was let free. As soon as he did, I tried to rush toward my friend, TRIED, but failed. "Don't make it complicated than it already is, little one." One of the brothers blocked my way. "We just need to talk this out without any bloodshed. Please. " he pleaded. I guess his name is Drake. "Like you guys left her with any choice." Hissed Gerald, holding a shivering Fiona, by his side. "Shut your mouth creeper!" Growled someone behind me. I pleaded with Gerald through my eyes too. I don't want him to get hurt. These people are strong. They can rip him apart like paper. He sighed but didn't step back.

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