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"I wanted to be all the things you loved. Yet sadly I am plagued with flaws haunted by the thought that I never met up to your standards."



The last few days has gone just like any other. I go to work with Gerald and Fiona. Then the brothers come spend time with me, some time later. They take me out for dinner after the shop closes, together or individually. Then they drop me home. The next day, it's all over the same. But recently I noticed they are all on edges. For example snapping at people for no reason. Fighting among themselves when I'm out of ear shot. Avoiding physical contact with me. And most importantly, not staying at my house anymore, resulting a lots of guards around my house all the time. Now people are even noticing.

I don't know how he could harm me but, this Uncle of theirs is not caught yet. So I guess I'm stuck is this situation untill he's eliminated. "Tiara? You got some guest." Shouted Helen from downstairs. "Guest? At this time?" I closed the book I was reading and went downstairs, only to find no other then Saphira and Saraphina sitting on the couch. "Hi...." I said, hugging them. Don't know how else to greet them. "I must say, I'm surprised to see you both here at this hour." I said, not knowing why they are here out of the blue. "Sorry to bother you at this hour but if it wasn't that serious, we wouldn't be here." Said Saphira.

"Sure. Please sit." I gestured. "Umm..This is Helen, she's my grandmother, not by blood but, she is a close family friend since I remember and was kind enough to take care of me after my family's demise and Helen? This is Saphira and Saraphina, my....mates's mothers." I said, introducing them to each other. "So good to finally meet you. My kids never stop taking about your pies." Said, Saraphina, taking Helen's hand. "Oh I'm really glad they like it and it's very nice to meet to too." Said Helen politely, serving them some drink. "How are you Tiara? You don't come to visit us anymore." Complained Saphira, pulling me to sit beside her. "I'm sorry. I know it's been a long time but I promise, I'll come visit soon." I said shyly.

"I'm sure it will be soon because we came to invite you on a 2 weeks trip to Pompeii and we start early tomorrow morning. You better not break our hearts denying to go on this trip." She said, making me blink in predicament. "Saraphina? I don't want you to feel offended but, I can't leave the shop behind for 2 whole weeks. It's near Impossible." I said, looking at both of them. "Tiara. I can't explain it now to you but, you have to trust us on this. We're trying to protect you." Said Saphira with pained expression. "You guys don't understand. I just can't drop everything and go on a vacation barely one month after my shop opening, because of some unknown threath."

They both sighed and stood up. "We understand Tiara, it's a difficult decision but trust me its for the best. We would never ask you of this, if it was a problem with enemy invasion. My sons are capable enough to protect you but sadly, its my sons you need protection from right now. You would have understood the severity of this situation, if you were a shifter." Oh now me being a human is the problem? "Protection from my mates?" I asked, not believing them for once. The Brothers would never hurt me. "You must have noticed the changes in the boys these past few days. Its the sign that you missed being a human, not that we blame you for that dear child but, if unknowingly by any means, my sons hurt you, it would kill them."

What in the name of lord are they blabbering? "But they won't Saphira. I know them that much. Don't ask me how. I just know it." I said, trying to convince them. They both sighed again. "Well..there are things you don't know about them yet and they want to keep it that way so that, you don't run away from them. This is me, their mother telling you about her sons, believe me. Also the reason why we are here today to make sure you're safe, sweet child." Saphira said, standing up. "Tomorrow I'll call back and I really prey that you change your mind. It's for everyone's well being." Said Saraphina, following her sister. "Good night Tiara. Helen can we talk to you for a second?" They said, dragging Helen with them.

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