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"Yes, I confess. I was a little bit overprotective but I was afraid of losing you. I was just a person from your long list of people but you were my whole list"




Anticipation is deadly than the actual act. I knew I couldn't smart talk them when I tried to convince Kenneth that I have to sleep in my bed, thinking they would let me sleep alone but no. Like the stubborn ass Dragon they are, they let me eat my own words, which bought me to this situation where I'm being spooned by a snooring Kenneth and stiff as a wood Drake on my left, on another bed, attached to mine, 'for my safety' ofcourse, that was dragged from the attic. The moment they claimed the bed, both were out like light but me.

They were very serious when they say I have be attached to their hips if the situation demands. But how could I sleep with two grown ass men in my bed, so close to my body that I can literally feel the heat radiating from them. I sighed. This is going to be so hard, very soon. I just know it. I sighed again. Is my live going to be this from now on? Me being confined in my own house. Will they be hovering over me all the time like a ghost? Urrrrrr. I want to screem. I tired prying Kenneth's hand and legs, but he just groaned and pulled me more into his body like the reptile he was.

"Need any help?" I heard an amused voice. "Do I need to answer that?" I said, glaring at an amused Drake. He just crawled over our side of the bed and pried Kenneth's limbs but, before I could moov an inch, he groaned and pulled me back. Drake put his fist on his mouth to stop himself from laughing. "It's not funny." I muttered, looking away. "I know. I'm sorry..let me try this." He wishpered, getting down from the bed and did the same thing and luckily I rolled out of Kenneth's deadly grip, puffing out a breath of relief. "Thanks"

He came back to his place and took the position he was earlier. I almost yelped when Kenneth's hand stretched, searching my body in his sleep and I mooved back a little only to hit a stop when the hard wall of a chest blocked my movement. Drake chuckled, making me hit him where my hand can reach. He laughed lightly, catching my wrist mid hit. "Easy there tiger." He said, in his husky voice, so close to my ear it almost made me close my eyes. No!! I screemed in my mind. I tried to pry my hand but Drake has something else in his mind.

I looked back only to find him already starring at me. "What?" I asked. He bit his lips, looking down at my hands. "My Dragon like how you feel, to touch." He wishpered, smiling. I looked where are hands were touching and frankly speaking, I liked how they look and feel. Mine smaller and softer in his larger, rough and tan hands. And the tingles? They are like wild fire. Did I describe it correctly or I'm loosing my mind. I looked back meeting his eyes which were so intense, it was penetrating into my soul. "Do you like my touch?" He asked. I nodded slowly, not knowing if I actually mooved them. He was still searching my face.

Then he leaned closer. "I like how you smell. Do you like mine?" He asked, his nose close to my forehead. I must have nodded because, he looked pleased. "Does my voice turns you on?" He said, looking into my eyes. I wasn't expacting such question but if he could put his finger down my woman cave, he would find his answers. Something changed in his expression and his eyes glowed a little, startling me. "I can smell your arousal, little mate." His voice changed to a deeper one. "I wonder how you'll feel under the mercy of my fingers." He said making me imagine just that.

Before I could ponder on any other thoughts, he lips were on mine, dominating me. This feeling was so foreign yet so welcomed, like I was craving it. I circled my arms around his nape and pulled him closer. I returned the kiss with passion. For a while, I was just lost in the heated kiss. His lips feel different from Kenneth. He smells different from him too. How do I know? I just know it and it has nothing to do with their cologne. I never let any man touch me this way other then Kenneth so I don't know what exactly I'm craving at this moment but I know, I need more.

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