Chapter 68

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- Chapter 68 -

The coach travels down the bumpy road. Allan and I ride with our backs to the front facing the Sheriff and Gisborne.

"Are you seriously going to the Holy Land?" I questioned trying to get some information.

"Yes, yes. I've never been before, have you? They say the weather's wonderful. Guy's been before. Haven't you, Gizzy?" He trails looking out the window as my head snaps up in Guy's direction who sent the Sheriff a sharp glare.

"You've been before?" I questioned feeling slightly betrayed as he scoffs at me.

 "Then it's true. You tried to kill the King." I state firmly as he stared back at me. I can see the hurt and frustration in his eyes as I wondered how he would play this next.

"What? Feel betrayed?" He questioned as I saw amusement in his glint as the Sheriff chuckled. I glanced downwards wondering if he was just doing this because of the Sheriff beside him, but then he was always like this with the Sheriff beside him.

"Are you going to try and kill the King again?" I question.

"Yeeeeees. Mm. And you could say that it's Robin Hood's fault. You see, Robin did warn the King to be on his guard when he lands. So, first plan, mercenaries in the port.... dead in the water. The new plan, instead of waiting for him, we, er... we pay him a little visit." The Sheriff blabbed whilst he grins evilly.

"Mohammed not coming to the mountain." I snarl as he chuckles before the carriage once again falls into silence. Eventually we made it to the inn as the sun was beginning to set. I was relieved to stretch my legs as servants rushes to open the coach doors. The Sheriff gets out first as the innkeeper steps out to greet them.

"How many beds are you after?" The innkeeper politely asks as Guy helps me out and lets his hand linger on my lower back rubbing small circles.


"And you? With the horses?" The innkeeper frowns pointing towards Allan.

"No-no-no. This one." The Sheriff chuckles darkly pointing to me as I could see that the innkeeper is appalled at the idea as I heard Guy beside me growl dangerously as I gulp slightly. I allowed Guy to walk me in the direction of the barn, before he pulls a chain attached to a cuff on my wrist through a ring on the wall, pulling me back. I glanced over his shoulder to see that the Sheriff stands in the doorway.

"You'd better not sleep tonight. Robin Hood will find out what you're doing and he will come and he will stop you." I warn him as Guy gave me a strict look making me feel slightly ashamed as once he was done he let his fingers clasp one of mine.

"It's, erm... it's Robin Hood's birthday today. Did you know that? He's having a party... in Nettlestone village. And somebody's invited one hundred of my fiercest mercenaries. And they've, erm..... they've got him surrounded. So... so Robin Hood is no more. Hm? Well, sleep tight. Oh, and don't let the horseflies bite." He Sheriff chuckled as he winks and leaves. I struggled to keep the horror from showing on my face as Guy caressed my cheek and left.

I wanted to cry thinking of Robin in that situation, most likely dead already. NO! I refused to believe that there wasn't any hope. Robin would come and get me. I looked up to see Allan looking at me before turning to follow.

"Allan! Allan! You can't go through with this." I whisper as I saw him check to make sure that Guy and the Sheriff had left before he walked over towards me.

"I can. You heard him, Esme. Robin's finished." He told me and I shook my head refusing to believe it.

"Not if we get away!" I suggested as he quickly shushed me from getting too loud.

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