Chapter 74

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- Chapter 74 -

Later that evening Prince John had decided to host a big feast for the lords of his court. There was wine, food, jesters, musicians and dancing. Guy had effortlessly won over Prince John's attention and reported all he could of what had been happening in Nottingham since the failed mission in the Holy Land. I made sure to listen to every word regarding Robin and the gang to ensure I knew that they were ok.

As the night grew further on, I began to get bored with the Prince's lame jokes and the old stories that the Lords repeatedly told and the gossip the women shared. Dances were all the same and only entertaining when one of the Lords tripped over a Ladies dress by having too much to drink. Food was occasionally flung across the table as I saw Guy sneak away from the table and out the door leading towards the west corridor.

"Excuse me your majesty" I bowed towards Prince John as he didn't even look in my direction before waving his hand to dismiss me as I followed on after Guy. I found him leaning against one of the walls overlooking the town with an amazing view of the night sky. I was enchanted by the glow of the moonlight on his eyes and hair as I slowly made my way in his direction, making myself known by slightly louder footsteps.

"Not one for ceremonies?" I asked him even though I already knew the answer to it.

"Not in the mood" Guy growled at me, probably hoping I would mind my own business and leave him alone. Well I won't!

"I think I know something that might cheer you up" I instructed as I turned on my heels and began walking down the hall. I grumbled and cursed under my breath as I knew he hadn't decided to follow me.

"Come on!" I called out to him without looking back, knowing that he hadn't followed me. I heard him groan before the sound of his footsteps following me as I chuckled and lead him down towards the palace stables. We didn't say anything and we both liked it that way as I lead him through the rows of horses before the final stall where a black stallion was kept. I slowly unlocked the door and entered cautiously as the horse watched us both enter before slowly sniffing in Guy's direction.

"I have a feeling you take comfort in the company of horses. This is Xavier" I introduced as I knew how much Guy loved his horse Richie at home and prayed that he may take some comfort whilst he was in London with something familiar.

"He's beautiful" Guy whispered as I watched Xavier bow his head at Guy allowing him to stroke his nose and happily neigh towards him and practically rub himself against Guy. It was nice and relaxing to hear him chuckle and smile and he happily petted the creature.

"He likes you, he doesn't like many people" I noticed as I began to brush the magnificent beast he snorted in my direction and lowered his nose for me to delicately stroke him.

"For a man of few words you speak a lot" Guy snorted in my direction with a slight smirk as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched me suspiciously.

"I'll give you credit for finding out about those around you" I admitted.

"Better to know your environment than be kept in the dark." Guy cleverly answered as I smirked and nodded with him in agreement. I continued to brush out Xavier as Guy watched and fed him some carrots before I decided to break the long silence, unable to look upon Guy's miserable face anymore.

"Who was she?" I asked him as he almost stumbled by my sudden question.

"Who was who?" He guardedly growled as I raised an eyebrow at him.

"The woman you loved?" I stated once again as his eyes widened.

"Wha...I.." He struggled to avoid the question but I just chuckled. I knew him too well.

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