Chapter 73

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- Chapter 73 -

The trip to Nottingham was a very long five days without much rest; I knew John would be becoming more impatient as each day grew longer. The men had started to become more restless as the sight of Nottingham was in sight. Seeing my old home made me breathe in a sigh of relief and relax slightly even though I was sitting stiffly on my horse, that my lower back was hurting.

"We nearly there sir?" The commander of their soldiers asked as I growled over my shoulder causing the horses to grow uneasy and made them shut up from their whinnying. They were worse than Prince John who had gone without having supper.

"Nottingham" I growled pointing at the sight of the castle before us as I heard them sigh happily before following me as we drew closer. The sheriff knew to meet up at the edge of the road leading from the city into the forest as we waited. I could hear the Sheriff's growls and angered shouts as they came closer. Two of the soldiers dismounted from their horses and handed the reins to the other soldiers as we waited as I saw them came around the corner.

Guy and the Sheriff were both leading their horses as I gripped my reins to my horse tighter as it grew slightly nervous under me, as I knew that the horse recognized Guy. The Sheriff was wearing a leather vest and his shirt underneath had been ripped obviously from a sword fight. I glanced at Guy to see his hair an absolute mess; he was in need of a bath and wore a loose black shirt and black pants.

If he had a shower and washed his hair and freshened up then I would be struggling to keep my hands off him. He's always handsome in my eyes and my heart leaped and a smile broke on my face, which I struggled to keep hidden. I saw the surprise on Guy's face as he looked upon each of the soldiers before finalizing his eyes on me.

I sucked in a breath and made my back straighter and angled my head lower slightly so he couldn't see my face, even though the mask and hood kept my face hidden. Just his loving gaze that was now cold watched me as it made me uneasy. I wanted nothing more than to be in his embrace and feel his kiss, but I knew that it wouldn't happen anytime soon.

"Ah, Prince John's escort. They want their money, Gisborne." The Sheriff chuckled as I saw his eyes flash darkly and with evil mischief as I growled in his direction as they slowly approached us.

"So, what do we do?" Guy asked as I nearly melted to the sound of his voice after being deprived off it for so long.

"We? Do you think I'm going to be responsible for you arrogance and your incompetence again? Hm?" The Sheriff chuckled and I watched him shove Guy forward slightly and stealing his sword and pointing it towards Guy, whom immediately placed his hands up in surrender and watched the sword. I gripped the handle of my sword that was attached to my saddle growling deeper at the threat towards Guy.

"You can't be serious. Put it down!" Guy growled.

"No, Gisborne. This time you pay my dues. Gentlemen, good to see you. Very smart, lovely colours, tight-fitting uniform. Excellent. Slight change of plan. There is no patronage money—" The Sheriff shouted as he tried to flatter the guards and on the word on "patronage," the Sheriff shoves Guy towards my men, who catch him.

"What?!" Guy shouted out terrified as he struggled to get out of the soldiers grip.

"But Gisborne has volunteered to go with you to explain why not to Prince John personally." The Sheriff informed as I watched him throw down Guy's sword and walks towards the horses. The two soldiers holding Guy wrapped tightly ropes around his wrists and got him down on his knees holding his shoulders.

"No, my lord! Please! This means certain death." He angrily begged for the Sheriff as he laughed watching Guy squirm.

"Get off me!" Guy shouted towards the soldier's whom tightened their hold as I watched the Sheriff laugh and pull of Guy's jacket from his horse before walking back and bending down towards Guy to further mock him.

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