Chapter 70

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- Chapter 70 -

I felt my body rocking as I was leaning against something uncomfortable. It felt like armour as I struggled to open my eyes only to be met with the sight of endless desert and burning heat on my face. Struggling to move my aching body I winced to see me hands tied with a thick rope as I was sitting on a horse in front of a soldier. I noticed the Sheriff on another horse with a danger smirk on his face.

I was going to die, my fate was set and the Sheriff had the final card, the Ace up his sleeve and he knew it. Watching glumly over the horizon I noticed what looked like several posts with people tied up to them burning in the sun, obviously to die a slow and painful death of the desert.

Frowning I glanced and squinted my eyes at the group as I grew closer and felt my heart drop and my breath get sucked in. I groaned as my body felt painful as whatever he had injected into my body was seemed to be rejecting it and fighting against it as I groaned in pain.

"Esme? Esme!" I swear it was Robin's voice that called out for me, however I knew it was my delusional mind hoping he was alive.

"Over here! Help! Help!" The voices kept crying out as I felt my hope burst brighter yet dimmed at the same time as I was aware of the gang's cry out for help. It was them! Their faces dropped at the sight of the Sheriff with me and the solider as they stopped in front of the gang and dismounted. I watched and felt like a rag doll as I was carried off the saddle.

"See, that's the, er... that's the trouble with foreign travel. Hm? You run into all the same people that you see at home. Your leper friend. I understand you've met my colleague, James." The Sheriff chuckled pointing to me as James had grabbed my arm and twist it behind my back. Robin glares at the Sheriff from under his brows.

"You let the Black Knights buy you." Much spat at him in disgust as I was shoved towards the pole and tied to Robin's back. I could feel my body slacking and aching begging for rest.

"Get off me!" I growled weakly.

"Just let Esme go. She's got nothing to do with this." Robin tried to bargain as the Sheriff growled and held my chin tightly in his hand making me close my eyes to prevent myself from looking at him.

"She has everything to do with this! Hm?! All along, we thought... we had a spy in your camp. But you had one in ours." He hissed before letting my chin go and walking back around towards Robin.

"You see, there will always be people that work for me. Because I fight for justice." Robin chuckled as I swear I knew the Sheriff would be fuming.

"Oh, blah-di-blah-di-blah. I'd love to stay... but I don't tan well. Do excuse us... we have a king to kill. Come along, James." He farewelled as I leant my head back on Robin's shoulders listening to the Sheriff and James gallop off. Esme shakes her head miserably.

"I'm sorry." I weakly whispered.

"I'm sorry, too. We fought and we lost." Robin sighed defeated as I gave a weak smile and struggled under the burning sun.

"Well, at least we will have died trying." I muttered as I heard Little John sigh.

"I want to die in England. Sherwood." He growled as I wanted to laugh at the sound of Little John practically whinging. I glanced down the row of outlaws in front of me as I finally turned to Much to see tears streaming down his face as I smiled. The day I saw Much cry!

"Much... don't cry." I smile as he shakes his head. His mouth opening though his voice was barely audible as I had no idea what it is he said.

"He's not crying. He's laughing on the wrong side of his face." A voice came as everyone began to beam with smiles as I guessed whoever it was, was a friend.

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