Chapter 58

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- Chapter 58 -

"When are you going to let me out of this camp, Robin? Robin!" I demanded as I stormed after him. I had been stuck in this camp for at least a full week and I was bored stiff. I needed to do something and Robin refused to let me do anything as though I would break by touching anything.

"When you're finished grieving after Sir Edward" he snapped as I snarled.

"Robin! I just want to move on! I can't do that when all you let me do is live in the memories of my father!" I argued as I could see the gang in the corner of my eye beginning to back away slightly at our brawl.

"I promised him I would look after you." He defended.

"I can take care of myself." I hissed. I had been taking care of myself in the castle and I can do it out here!

"Well I disagree! I know what's best for you Esme--" He began as I scoffed.

"You know what's best for me? You're joking right! You're not my father Robin so stop acting like it!" I nearly screamed as my fury was matching his as I saw his face hit with sudden realization. He softened and tried to pull me into a hug though I only continued to glare and hold my ground. I wasn't a baby and he needed to stop treating me like one.

"No I'm not but -"

"I know he asked you to look after me! I can take care of myself! Look, I don’t need to be mollycoddled, all right?" I hissed quietly as I saw the discomfort coming from the gang.

"Good. Because you’re not going to get it here." Robin snapped at me before storming away in one direction as I growled angrily at him. I noticed the entire gang watching me almost ready for me to melt down as I refused to give them that satisfaction as I stormed off in the other direction bumping into Little John as I went before disappearing into the forest.

I was happily sitting on a branch at least seven feet above from the ground as I could hear someone coming in my direction. I knew it wouldn't be Robin he never apologized this quickly as I saw Little John coming in the direction I had just been as he paused trying to find me.

"Have you been sent to baby-sit me?" I asked him as he glanced up at me as I played with the edge of my hair as I heard him sigh deeply.

"This is not how I thought it would in the forest. I can’t... breathe... in here. It’s worse than living in the castle." I told him truthfully as he gave me a sad smile.

"Come here." He gently informed as I looked at him slightly intimidated before I swung down and landed in a crouch before walking over towards him as he reached out and pulled me gently into a hug as he rubbed my back in a fatherly gesture as I buried my face in his chest.

"It’s not the here or there, is it? It’s your father. You've lost your father." He whispered to me as I nodded and felt tears come closer to my eyes as I felt my words choke in my throat.

"And that’s why I want to get on with things." I choked out as I knew he noticed as he hugged me slightly tighter.

"In time. In time." He whispered as I felt the tears pour. He happily let me cry as I missed my father deeply. It was my fault! I did that to him! We just stayed like that until I ran out of tears to cry as he gave me a pat on my back before pulling away. I gave him a weak smile as he allowed me some time to be alone and catch my breath and composure before returning back to the camp.

I decided to burn off some steam by throwing knives into a tree a good distance away. I threw one, which lands in the middle of the trunk, then another beside it. I heard a twig snap next to me and instinctively threw a knife at a tree to my left, just as Allan is coming out from behind it. He looks at the quivering blade near his head shocked as I gasped and gulped to see him here.

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