Chapter 59

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- Chapter 59 -

Robin and I were originally travelling to Locksley where we were supposed to meet McLellan to receive a message from the King, however when we heard the commotion in Locksley that McLellan had fled when he realized Robin wasn't still Master of the Manor we began searching through the forest, knowing Guy would have his men after him. Hearing the sound of Allan's voice we ran in that direction only to find McLellan on the ground helpless and moaning in pain as Allan and a few of his men walked over to him.

"Give us the message from the King." Allan demanded.

"It’s for Robin of Locksley and his eyes only." McLellan loyally spoke as Allan rolled his eyes. Robin and I took our positions as I drew up my hood and grabbed an arrow to ensure they wouldn't recognize me.

"Just give it to me or we'll take it from you." Allan grumbled waiting a moment before he then motions towards one of Guy's men who raised his sword above his head only to be struck by Robin's arrow in the back, falling to the ground. I chuckled watching as Allan quickly turns round revealing Robin standing behind him, his bow lowered and his quiver on his back.

"Don’t you know it’s rude to read other people’s mail?" Robin questioned Allan dismissively as Allan rolled his eyes. Robin stands with his bow horizontal and two arrows nocked, the tips are resting against his splayed fingers, aiming one each at Allan and at Guy's second man. I came out at they noticed they were slightly surrounded as I saw Guy's man shake slightly at the coward he was.

"By the time you get close enough to use those swords. You'll be so full of arrows you'll look like hedgehogs." Robin chuckled as I raised an eyebrow at his weird saying. What does Robin do in his spare time because that is just sad? We both watched as Guy's second man runs off chuckling before raising an eyebrow at Allan who stays. Even though Allan betrayed Robin I liked Allan he had saved my neck from Guy several times, yes I had done the same, but I could see he did love the Gang, even if they refused to let him back.

"So... this is what Gisborne’s dogsbody does, is it?" Robin asked snapping towards Allan.

"I’m not his dogsbody. I’m his right-hand man." Allan stated slightly proudly.

"Oh. I couldn't face myself in the morning if I was you." Robin sneered.

"I count my money in the morning." Allan snapped back as I rolled my eyes. Men!

"While you two are squabbling, there’s a man in agony over there." I growled at the two before running over to McLellan removing my hood as I knew my identity is hidden and safe at this point of time.

"Run back to your master. Go on. Go on. Run!" Robin shouted out as Allan at first was walking back towards Locksley but soon changed his mind when Robin began to raise his voice which even made me shudder in fear slightly. Once he was out of sight Robin joined my side beside McLellan.

"Do you practice little speeches like that?" I asked him chuckling as Robin frowned confused, obviously oblivious to what he had said before.

"Like what?" He asked.

“You'll be so full of arrows you'll look like hedgehogs.” I quoted deepening my voice as we both laughed as he gave me a playful shove. I must admit I sounded like Robin and if I practiced I probably would get pretty good at it.

"No, it just came to mind." Robin blushed slightly as he set his bow and arrows on the ground as I smirked and rolled my eyes.

"You practice, don’t you?" I teased as he glared slightly.

"Robin." McLellan weakly spoke trying to lift his head but failing.

"Sh-sh-sh-sh. I know you. Save your strength." Robin speaks supportively as McLellan pulls out the message out of his belt and holds it up to Robin as he takes the message from McLellan. Robin takes the message.

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