Chapter 40

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As the Sheriff requested Guy sent for a physician to look after Esme. Over the week she improved greatly with bed rest and peace. Guy watched out for her father when the Sheriff was in sight and secretly visited her at night and talked to the physician for any clues on what had happened to her. Though the physician couldn't answer his questions to an extent Guy sighed. He remembered their wedding, how she was taken unconscious of the back of a horse. Something didn't feel right to him as he knew full well that the wounds the physician was healing were ones of torture.


I tended to limit myself with the amount of energy I wasted in the day. I was now however stronger on my feet as I went to the window in my room overlooking the market as I sighed and watched the streets grow busier. I watched the people as I tried to pinpoint Robin or any members of the gang as I knew they came into the marketplace today.

My eyes were drawn to a lady tired up to a post as I frowned. I didn't have a very good look but something about her made me recognize her. However I did recognize the man circling casually around her as I smirked watching from my window. I watched as she and Robin exchanged words and I think he slipped a coin into her hand before vanishing back into the crowd as I lost sight of him. Sighing through my nose I drew away from the window and slowly left my room, enjoying the stretch in my legs.

"Esme?" Guy's strong silky voice called out as I stopped slightly annoyed. I had made it barely four feet from my room and now I would be locked back inside as I waited till he came in front of me with a raised eyebrow.

"Sir Guy" I bowed my head out of respect as I refused to move my gaze from the floor.

"Esme what are you doing out of bed?" He asked as I could feel his watchful gaze on me as I just kept my eyes on the floor and his boots.

"Stretching my legs?" I sounded hopeful as what I didn't expect was for him to move aside making me gasp and look up to see him holding out his arm for me. I gave a weak smile and without hesitation took it as we slowly and quietly walked along the halls of the castle. We'd just make it to the courtyard when I glanced out to see an executioner sharpening a broadaxe as I frowned and looked up towards Guy.

"Esme maybe you should return to your room" Guy whispered warningly and before I could answer as we both held eyes another pair of boots came making Guy suddenly drop my eye as I frowned slightly.

"Ah Gisborne. Esme, good you can watch as well" The Sheriff laughed menacingly as I heard Guy growl slightly as I bowed my head.

"My lord, forgive me I was planning on returning to my -" I started only to have him cut me off.

"Stay!" He snapped as I gulped and nodded to see the castle gates open and the portcullis raised. Two guards coming from a separate direction held two children in their arms as I went wide eyed as Guy and the Sheriff started heading into the marketplace with the children following.

Snapping out of my shock I quickly followed but the sentries at the gate cross their halberds in front of me as I am suddenly forced to stop. I took a step back before I heard Guy's voice as they opened allowing me to pass as I stood beside Guy, not to close but close enough to feel safe in a way, giving him a small thank you. I swear I saw him give me a small genuine smile. A drum sounds a sombre, repeating triple beat as the townsfolk all stop and form a circle to watch.

I watched as the Sheriff steps past the women tied to the post and smiles, ready to address the crowd. As he is about to speak, the drum sounds again and he glowers back at the drummer. It made me giggle slightly as the drumming quickly stops. I got a sort of amused glare from Guy as I stopped and hung my head ashamed hearing him sigh beside me.

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