Chapter 89

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Hey everyone, I hope you are enjoying it :) But BE WARNED! This chapter may break some of your hearts, Guy and Esme's confrontation has finally come.

- Chapter 89 -

We continued to walk in silence towards the camp. It was just over the next two hills in the forest until Robin came to a halt.

"We'll go no further unless I know I can trust you. I can't just betray the others and bring you to the camp." Robin informed him as I silently stood in between them, even though Guy ensured a distance of at least two meters remained between us. Not being able to be with him was punching a dagger through my heart as he still refused to acknowledge me or look in my direction.

"You can trust me. Just don't ask me to forgive your father." Guy responded with a slight pause. I noticed his voice grew a dark husky tone at the mention of Robin's father as he continued to look out at the forest in front of him. I saw that his comment angered Robin, which I wasn't sure if that was the aim he wanted.

"Now you listen to me, Gisborne. If we're going to work together, then we have to leave that behind." Robin spat at him as Guy looks over with disdain and a bit of surprise at Robin's authoritative tone.

'That's easy for you to say. Your father seduced my mother." He snapped back as I was once again becoming the divide between the two of them as they stood glaring at each other with their fists clenched.

"Well, it didn't take much effort, did it?!" Robin shouted back losing his temper as I stared at him. That was a low blow even for Robin as Guy was literally about to tackle Robin to the ground before I placed myself in the middle.

"That's enough the both of you! Robin, would you mind giving us a moment please?" I demand like a mother to children as I noticed Guy turned his back to me causing me to sigh. Robin breathed in deeply through his nose and narrowed his eyes at Guy's back before pulling me in close.

"Give me a shout if you need me." He whispered in my ear and did as I had asked and left. I waited for a brief moment before turning back to Guy who still hadn't turned to look back at me as I chewed my lip wondering how I would get through this.

"Do you really have nothing to say to me?" I spoke lightly hoping to tone down the seriousness of this conversation I knew would happen. I saw his back straighten and his muscles under his shirt tense as I wished I could do nothing more than let out those stressed muscles. Sharply he turned around and glared down at me.

"I have nothing to say to you. You've betrayed me Esme!" He snapped back roughly as I tried not to let his harsh anger get to me. I knew he would feel this way, it was only natural.

"You always were dramatic and here I was hoping for a simple 'I've missed you'" I questioned titling my head to the side slightly watching him as he narrowed his eyes at me.

"This isn't a joke! I thought I had killed you! I couldn't sleep or live with myself at night because I had destroyed the one good thing in my life. I destroyed you!" He shouted trying to get me to see it through his eyes as I saw his hands pause to reach out to me before he swiftly pulled back and took a few steps away but I merely followed, refusing for a larger gap between us than necessary.

"What would you have had me do? Tell you I was alive and remain undercover in the castle with the Prince and Sheriff watching your every move. If I had gotten hurt you would have acted irrationally -" I angrily demanded before he interrupted me.

"Exactly you could have gotten hurt!" He shouted as I sighed with a small smile on my lips knowing he still at least cared for my safety.

"But I'm fine!" I reassured him as I took another step closer towards him as he shook his head.

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