Chapter 55

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- Chapter 55 -

I was dragged harshly down through the castle as we stopped outside a door, in which one of the guards knocked waiting for a response. I gathered this room was Lord Winchester's room, as I tried to look over to Guy for help though he refused to look at me as I could see the conflict in his eyes.

"Enter!" The door opens and I get pushed inside in with shackles on my wrists and ankles, each pair connected by a foot long chain.

"Ah, the icing on my cake. Daddy’s little girl." Winchester chuckles as I saw he was dressed in his black knight robes, putting down a small mirror.

"I will not be treated like this." I snap as I hold up my shackled hands.

"You’re quite right. These handcuffs and leg irons, can they be made a little tighter?" Winchester smirks as I glare in response.

"How dare you!" I hissed bitterly.

"Oh, gag her, for God’s sake. She’s pretty till she talks. To business. Come along!" Winchester threatens as I snarl at him as he turns and walks past me. Glancing back I send a pleading look towards Guy as I saw the distress in his eyes by my situation and the pain he felt before I watch as he turns helplessly away and closes the door. Sighing in indignation I try to pull off the cuffs though that didn't work well.

I probably spent a fair amount of time trying to remove my cuffs as I was unable to reach my dagger before the door opened as I rose to my feet. Winchester strolled in smirking at though he owned the place. Snapping his fingers two guards came on either side of me and dragged me along after him as I winced slightly in the pain and discomfort as I notice we were heading to the courtyard.

I gasp slightly as I see both Robin and Allan are standing in their undershirts on a plank which has been stretched across an enormous vat of black oil in the middle of the courtyard with a fire crackling underneath it. Two guards with halberds stand, one at either end of the plank as I saw Robin slowly nod in one direction as I followed it to see the gang dressed up to be musicians.

A drum roll began as Robin scowls with narrowed eyes at Allan, who warily stares back before a fanfare plays. The young buglers step aside as the Sheriff and Guy come out from the main doors. The Black Knights are sitting on either side of the door and a chair is waiting for the Sheriff in the middle.


"Behold the outlaw, eh? The, er... invincible and legendary Robin Hood." The Sheriff chuckled loudly holding his arms out wide. Esme, the cuffs still on her wrists, is standing next to Winchester in the corner of the cloister, watching uneasy. Winchester has a generous plate of cake on the ledge in front of him, a large piece in one hand and a goblet in the other.

"And his friend, Allan A Dale. How fitting then, that these two renegades, these enemies of the law, which make them enemies of good King Richard himself, should provide us with entertainment on this, the day of the King’s birthday, huh?" The Sheriff continued as Robin glares at Allan, who looks warily back at him.

Winchester leans into Esme, who turns her head aside with a grimace. However the Sheriff just chuckles and claps his hands and rubs them together. Robin glares contemptuously at the Sheriff as he speaks his last line.

Thank you, legendary Robin Hood. Now the game is very simple. Fight, or fry! Hm? And of course the winner gets his freedom. Not. Cake!" The informed as he was handed a generous slice of cake. He chuckled as he knew that he would have his double execution today. Robin and Allan each pick up a padded club from his end of the plank. A guard pokes Robin in the buttocks with his halberd. Robin is forced to shuffle towards Allan as Allan is also poked by a halberd.

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