Chapter 90

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- Chapter 90 -

"ROBIN! STOP!" I shouted struggling to run after them without tripping down the steep hill as Guy got to his feet first and kicked Robin whilst he was trying to get up.

"GUY NO!" My cries fell on deaf ears and I only wished that the gang would hear as Robin threw a harsh punch across Guy's jaw before he grabbed his shoulders, punched him in the stomach, and then threw him to the ground. He stalked towards Guy, his temper fully in control and I knew he would kill him. Swiftly kicking the back of his knees he stumbled forward only to turn and glare at me before he turned his attention back to Guy.

Growling I leapt onto Robin's back and locked my arm around his head and neck which made him choke for a brief moment before he managed to flip me over his shoulders and threw me to the side. Hissing to my head connecting to a sharp rock I glanced up to see Robin charging at Guy recklessly. Guy easily catches him, kicks him in the stomach, punches him in the jaw, and then grabs him around the neck, standing behind him. Robin reaches back and flips Gisborne over, almost losing his balance himself.

"Robin stop!" I cried out once more as I got to my knees watching them as Robin shook his head as he held tightly to Guy's shirt.

"I'll stop when he begs for your forgiveness." He spat as he threw him to the ground and went to place his hands around Guy's neck as I crawled over and placed my hands over his wrists pulling them away from Guy as he coughed and rubbed his throat.

"I should be asking for forgiveness Robin, not him!" I shouted as he glared at me and pulled me harshly to my feet leaving Guy on the floor.

"He nearly killed you!" He growled in my ear as I winced to the pressure he was squeezing on my forearm.

"I can never ask her to forgive me if I can't forgive myself." Guy spoke as it grew silent between the three of us as Robin let me go causing me to stumble and fall onto my back.

"What?" Robin questioned him stunned as they both stood face to face. Robin's fists holding Guy's coat and staring at each other when I noticed the gang arrive at the top of the rise. It wasn't long before Tuck, Little John and Kate charge down. I noticed that Much aims and shoots an arrow at Gisborne as I quickly leapt up to me my feet and pushed him out of the way. I twisted my body out of the arrows path but hissed as it scraped the skin on my forearm.

"Esme!" Much cried out guiltily as I rubbed my forearm and noticed a slight trail of blood, the wound was barely a scratch but that didn't matter.

"Get off me!" Guy snapped as I saw that Little John holds the butt of his staff on Gisborne's chest whilst Kate stands behind his head with her sword pointed down at his face. Much came to help me to my feet as he fussed over my arm whilst I held my head and noticed blood was trickling down the side of my cheek, though I paid no attention.

"No!" Robin and I cried out causing the entire gang to stop in slight shock as they stared at Robin is disbelief.

"He's one of us." Robin informed them as he shoved them away from Guy. I took this as a moment to kneel beside him and help him to his feet as his eyes fixed on the blood on the side of my face.

"What?!" John hissed out as I watched Tuck look at Gisborne, who was stroking my cheek and applying slight pressure to my head causing me to wince.

"I said! ... he's one of us." Robin repeated whilst Allan and Much exchange puzzled looks, Little John's eyes widened whilst Kate stares at Robin incredulously, then yells her loudest in frustration and stabs the sword into the ground. They were all furious and cautious as I took this as a chance to step in front of him slightly as I let my hands brush over his face to see a few bruises along his jaw beginning to form.

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