Chapter 38 - The Wedding

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I dropped my Nightwatchman’s mask into the fireplace, then dropped my cloak on top of it. I watched as it slowly burned letting out a long sigh, another part of my life would be over. I didn't turn to know that Robin was walking up behind me as he came and stood beside me as we watched the Night Watchman burn.

"I’ve been to see Guy. I’ve challenged him." I informed.

"And let me guess. You asked him if he was a traitor, he said he wasn’t, and you believed him." He jealously and sarcastically sneered before turning away to sit in the armchair as I sighed turning to him.

"Robin, I think you’ve been wrong about him." I stated defending Guy as I saw the dangerous glint that flashed in his eyes.

"No! Trust me. I’ve been right about him." He growled quietly.

"Maybe the difference between you and he is not so huge. And isn’t that your thesis? Isn’t that the Robin Hood world view? That one man is much like another. That the poor are no different from the wealthy and just as deserving. Why can’t you apply your charitable principles to somebody who’s been deprived in a different way? Deprived of love" I whispered the ending as Robin looked away before turning back to raise his eyebrows at me scornfully.

"Deprived of love." He spat as he got up and crossed over towards me. I took in deep breaths to calm my temper as he glared down at me I refused to look away first.

"This is goodbye, Robin. It’s time for us to both grow up and accept our lot in life." I stated maturely and wisely as I knew Robin had always hated the notion of growing up. Yet here I was using it against him. But I needed to, otherwise he would never let this go and I would forever hold onto the false hope only to have them crumble down to the point when I never hoped again.

"Are you marrying him?"

"I am marrying him." I responded unemotionally as I saw hurt flash into his eyes as he gave me a defeated nod and kissed my forehead.

"Very well." His voice showed no sign of a fight as he left my in the main room slightly shocked. Robin had never been one to grow up and let things go he always fought. Yet he had stopped fighting for me. I don't know whether I was happy he did what I asked or frustrated that Robin gave up on me so easily. Growling I slammed my hand against the post in frustration, before sighing, and retiring to my bed for the evening, knowing I had a big day tomorrow.

When I aroused to the sounds of birds I sighed deeply. I was getting married today; I glanced at my dress that was laid out for me as I sighed. I let my fingers run over the fabric, I refused to wear my mother's wedding dress as I had always dreamed I'd wear it when I was marrying the man I loved. Maybe I might love Guy but I didn't at this point in time. I think I know I cared for him, but did I love him?

"Oh dear, a bride not smiling on her wedding day" A voice cackled behind me making me jump turning around in fear.

"You" I breathed out frightened as he smirked evilly and seemed to dance around the room. I backed up until my back hit against the door as I let my hand slowly drift to the handle, maybe if I was lucky enough I could make it out but he seemed to notice my gesture as he threw a dagger, which was hidden who knows where, as it stuck into the wood narrowly missing my cheek.

"Listen here dearie! You do as I say or everyone you love will suffer. Starting with your little fiancée" He warned as I gulped terrified. Hearing him threaten Guy made my heart stop. I stood frightened as I listened to what I had to do as I felt a tear run down my cheek. I flinched when he brushed it his finger digging into my skin.

"Now now a bride should be smiling. Remember I will be watching" His voice laughed before he vanished out the window. I quickly drew in several deep breaths hoping to calm myself down. I dashed to my mirror and splashed my face with water. I glanced at the window one more time before I dashed to my desk and grabbed a strip of paper and quickly grabbed my quill. I allowed myself to get dressed as I made my way downstairs in my full wedding attire. I held the small message in the palm of my hand as I drew another breath before making my way out of the house where my father stood beside's Guy's coach.

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