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Evelyn POV

You know sometimes when you feel like your gonna puke when you super nervous. Yeah that's how I feel right now in this moment.

You'd think that by now I would be used to moving place to place and transferring schools every time I move up in a grade.

Yeah..... I don't think I'll ever be used to that. Almost 16 years I have been changing schools due to my dads job. Never being able to keep in touch with the friends that I was starting to get close to, and acting like your fine but in the inside your screaming & crying begging for it to stop.

Now it's time for sophomore year... yay. Yeah when a your a person with a tendency to keep to yourself and wear headphones 24/7 cause to much noise makes you have an anxiety attack. It's kind of hard to fit in.

I've been to so many therapists over my lifetime that I can't even count them all in my hands. But they never really helped nor did the medications but that didn't stop them from giving them to me.

But somehow the sadness due to the lack of acceptance from people around went away after I met him. That smirk he loves to use to charm people around him, that always turned my legs into jello and if he asked me to do anything in that moment for him I wouldn't even hesitate to do it.

He just has that effect on the people around him. But I guess that's what makes him so dangerous. He used his charm to manipulate the people around him into giving him what he wants. But the person he loves to toy with and manipulate especially is me.

He reminds me that my innocence is what makes it so easy because I have a habit of always trying to see the best in people.

The way I see it is to him I'm his and only his. And you never touch what belongs to Kevin. It will never end well for you. Trust me I would know... I was the one that dated him.

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