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Evelyn POV

I have a right to say this. fuck my life. Any teacher who assigns a project few days into the school year, I whole heartedly say this FUCK YOU.

As if we aren't already having anxiety about school in the first place but now this bitch wants to add the anxiety of doing a project on top of that!

Sis I'm not even sure if I'll be alive at the end of the school year. If the anxiety won't take me out the depression will. I don't have a crazy amount of faith in myself.

I'll be happy if I make it through the day. I have so much respect for people who get good grades. Cause I know I will never have perfect grades.

Why do I talk to myself In my head as if people are listening...

(Called my own habit out 😭)

"Alright, now the assignment will be a collaboration with your art class!"
"So for this assignment you will ask your partner what there favorite art style is"
"And write about that art style became to what we know and use today"
"I will be handing out rubrics for this assignment, along with writing about the art style, in art class you will be creating artwork using that art style"

I can't draw for shit. But I do like to paint and sculpt. There's just something so relaxing about listening to your favorite playlist and painting.

I feel so lite and care free in that peaceful moment. Which is the opposite of what I'm feeling in this current moment. I feel like that is my Most used feeling and my least used is content. Wish I felt that one more often.

But we all wish for a lot of things. We keep wishing for things in the hopes of it coming true.

"You guys will not be picking your partners"

The whole class let out a groan. Seems like this class loves to do that. I just hope I don't get pared with-

"Your partners will be the person sitting next to you"


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