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Evelyn POV

I have been avoiding Kevin this whole weekend after what happened. But now it's Monday and I can't avoid him anymore. I'm what some people call a coward. But I think of it as me being cautious.

I see Kevin walking down the hallway. I run to the bathroom to avoid him. Okay maybe I am a coward and I'm okay with that. I look out the bathroom to see Kevin is no where in sight.

I step out of the bathroom and let out a sigh of relief. I'm not ready to talk to him just yet.

"your avoiding me Miller"

I jump at hearing Kevin's voice whispering in my ear. You know those cartoon gulps that the characters do whenever they're intimidated. I did one. I'm so nervous I start stumbling over my own words.

"N-no I'm n-not"

"Yes you are"
"Miller you seem a little irritable"

It's true I was a little irritable. I couldn't stand still and my eyes were looking everywhere but him.

"Is that because I make you nervous Miller"
"I mean your nervousness before was only slight but after last weekend you seem a lot more nervous"

I now just noticed that he is pressed right into me. There is no space between us. I know I should back up but I can't. It's like my body won't allow. Like it needs it to breathe.

"I uhh don't know what your talking about Kevin"
"I'm not any different from the way I was before."

That's a lie. Just like Kevin I noticed a difference in my body language and mood. Kevin is like a lie detector he can tell if your spilling bulshit and if your telling the truth.

And right now Kevin's bulshit detector was on. It was gonna go *beep* *beep* *beep* *BEEEEEP* on my me Because right now I'm shitting lies right out the ass.

"Miller you and I both know that what you just said is bullshit"

SEE!! Bullshit detector. I don't know how the fuck he does it! But it's kinda impressive.

"You have been avoiding me since last weekend"
"Miller you know you can't avoid me or whatever the hell this is forever"

"Yes I can"

"You wanna know something"

"Sure Kevin please do tell me"

"Actually you are to innocent to comprehend"

He steps closer to my face
I blush and put my hand on my face to cover my blush.

"you think you can hide from me"

"I'm not hiding from you!"

"Sure your not sweetheart"

"I'M NOT!"

He puts his finger under my chin and tilts my head up and kisses my lips.

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