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I know I know it's been along time since I've updated the book. I'm sorry it's just I've been really caught up with school lately. It's really hard to keep a writing life and a school life in balance with each other while also having a social life. I love to write so much but this writers block has got me messed up. It's not that I don't want to update the book, I do but it's just really hard because I have zero inspiration, when I started this book I had so much inspiration but now I feel like it's just kind of gone so I'm trying to get rid of this writers block and hopefully soon I will update the book and we can continue on with the story! Thank you for the constant support of my book and reaching the book to 1.37k views it really means a lot. I hope you continue to read the book as it progressively gets updated and I hope you enjoy it. Thank you for so much love.

- BabyGlosssy 💋

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