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Evelyn POV

A knock was placed on Kevin's door. I pull away from Kevin and sit up straight. Kevin walks over to the door with a irritated expression. He sighs as he opens the door. I just know he is going to be a dick to the person behind the door.

"What do you want"

I FUCKING CALLED THAT SHIT!! Anyway it's Kevin's mother that was standing at the door.

"Kevin if your friend is hungry dinner is ready"

Kevin slams the door in her face. I wouldn't expect anything less from him. He turns around and looks at me.

"Are you hungry?"

"I could eat"

"Alright I'll bring you a plate up"

With that Kevin leaves the room and closes the door begging him. I let out a long sigh. Thank god for Eva interrupting when she did. It was like I was put into some sort of trance and the knock on the door snapped me out of it.

I can't believe what just happened between me and Kevin. What I'm even more shocked but also worried about is I was about to let him do whatever he wanted to me.

It's dangerous for me to be around Kevin. I'm not myself when I'm around him. I'm more reckless and spaced out almost as if my brain shut off. I should limit the amount of time I spend time with him alone.

Which might be insanely hard considering that I live right next door. When I'm with Kevin it's like a whole new side of me comes out. A side that makes me feel vulnerable and out of control.

There is a reason why I always put a wall up before I trust anyone. Even though I try to see the best in everyone no matter who they are and what their past is. You can't judge someone based on their past, because if today they are a completely different person then who they were before. Then that makes us huge assholes.

Everyone say that "judging people is wrong" and "just because they're different doesn't mean their not human". Because in reality we all judge each other because society has engraved in our brains that "if they don't go along with everyone else they are a reject".

Kevin walks in with 2 plates that have mashed potatoes, corn, & chicken on them. I practically droll at the sight. I thought I was hungry but not insanely hungry we're i droll at food.

Kevin hands me my plate, fork, knife, and sets down my drink of the side table next to the desk.

"Thank you"

"Yeah sure"

This has gotten really awkward...

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