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Evelyn POV

Why does it always have to comeback to Kevin. It's like he's permanently stuck in my brain and forever reminding me of his handsome face. Oh my goodness I sound brain washed!

I have been bewitched by his good looks and gorgeous eyes. Fuck! Listen to how I sound! I really should stay away from him. You know I keep saying that but I never follow through with it. What does that say about me as a person?

You know what I don't want to go into that trauma right now I'm going to say that for another day. I'm literally having a mid life crisis when I'm only 16 years old.

All of a sudden I'm snapped out of the trance of my own mind by my mother rushing down the stairs, looking beautiful and ready to go. Wait had it already been an hour and 30 minutes?

"Alright I'm already to go"
"You look great mom"
"Thanks hunny! I was rushing so I doubt it looks great"
"No mom it looks fantastic, you are going to take... wait what is his name?"
"His name is Tom"
"Well you are going to take Mr. Tom's breath away"
"You think so?"
" I know so"

All of a sudden there is a honk outside and my mother gets a text on her phone and she breaks into a wide smile.

"He's here! Are you sure you going to be okay?"
"Yes mom I'll be just fine"
"I can stay home if you want and we could throw a movie on and-"
"Mom I'm almost 17 I can handle myself"

She puts her cold hand on my cheek and looks at me with so much love in her eyes with that bright signature smile of hers.

"Oh my baby when did you get so big"

I'm guessing that was a more rhetorical question rather than a literal question. So I don't respond with words but rather with a loving smile.

"Alright I got to go my sweets be good okay?"
"I feel like I should be telling you that"
"Hahaha very funny now behave"

She kisses my cheek and closes the front door and can see her briefly through the window climbing the passenger seat of the car. Then the car drives away. As soon as the car is out of sight I get a text from you will never guess who. The one and only Kevin Khatchadourian. This should be good.

Hello my lovely's!! Here is chapter 15 just like I said it would be. I really like this new schedule for posting chapters. I'm really trying to include more characters into this story rather than it being just Kevin and Evelyn. Because behind every good  story it character development and a plot that supports the characters personality's. Anyway I'll see you next Sunday💋

- BabyGlosssy ♥️

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