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(Comment 1 here so I can know how many people are reading so I can thank you)

Evelyn POV

It was like the whole world stoped in that moment. Including my breath, because one minute I was breathing and then I stopped.

My palms get really sweaty. This happens when I get nervous. My heart is pounding. Some would mistake this as a heart attack. But no this is what I call "it's like a panic attack but not really but I'm a way it is".

"I'm not snooping"
"Hmm you sure about that Miller"
"I uhh- your mom said to wait for you in your room"
"Did she now"

Don't ask me how but I could hear the smug smirk on his face. I spin quickly around and look him directly in the eye.

"She did Kevin, I wouldn't have stepped foot in here if she hadn't told me to"

"Miller you know it sounds like to me your making excuses"

"I am not"

"But you are and I know why"

"Oh Kevin please do tell me why I'm 'making excuses'"

"Because you and me both know that you could have said to my mother that you wanted to wait down stairs"

Our faces are now an inch apart. It one of stepped forward once our lips would be touching. Out of nowhere it was almost as if I had stepped out of a trance I'm brought back to reality.

I take a big step back and clear my throat.

"We should probably get started on the project"

With that we get started and Kevin acted as if nothing had happened between us.

"Finally it's done!"

I stretch my back and smile happily.
My hands hurt after typing and writing so much. I rub my hands to sooth the aches in my hand.

"You okay there Miller?"

"Yeah my hands are just a little sore"

All of a sudden Kevin grabs my hands and start massaging them. It feels really nice. I groan with a smile on my face.

"I'm not even having sex with you and I'm already making you groan"

I wish I could slap that smug smirk on his face. But him massaging my hands just feels so nice.

"Kevin if you weren't massaging my hands right now I would slap that smirk right off your face"

Suddenly Kevin pulls me closer and now our faces are barely an inch apart. Then he leans into my ear.

"You know Miller I could make you feel good in other ways"

It's like time stopped including my breathing which came to a halt. He backs away from my ear and now if he moved a few more centimeters we would kiss. And that is exactly what happens.

It's like we become one. He lays me down on the bed and starts kissing my neck and I let out a light moan.

"Ahh see now that's what I want to hear, I'm gonna get that sound out of your mouth over and over again"

I'm wearing a skirt and he starts to trail up my leg while kissing my neck. The anticipation of him touching the spot where I want hims so badly is killing me.

He finally reaches the spot that is needy for him. He lightly traces my lips above my underwear and I groan with annoyance because he's not doing what I want him to do. He looks up from my neck and chuckles.

"Be patient cupcake, trust me it will be worth it in the end"

He moves my underwear aside and starts to rub my clit with his thumb and it is euphoric. I moan in pleasure. Suddenly he inserts the tip of his finger in my opening. I moan louder. He covers my mouth with his hand.

"Try to keep it down cupcake don't want the authority figures to hear"

He takes his hand of my mouth and starts to hardcore kiss me. The. He suddenly inserts his whole finger inside me. I lift my back off the bed.

Suddenly a knock is placed on Kevin's bedroom door.

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