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Kevin POV

Evelyn Miller has a habit of pissing you off. Wether it be her avoiding you, snarky comments, or pretending your not there. But the moment I kissed her it was like all my anger towards her vanished. Her lips are addictive.

God I've been wanting to do this since this weekend. She had been avoiding me which only made me want her more. So this is what it'a like to crave. I like this feeling. It's like I could eat her alive. And deep down I think I could.

Evelyn POV

Everything feels fuzzy. It's like I'm intoxicated. Why does he have this affect on me. I need to get a grip. But his lips feel so nice...

No no no no! I shouldn't be kissing him. I should be staying the hell alway from him. I should push him off right now. But my body seems to have to opposite idea.

My body seems to have the habit of doing the opposite of what I want it to do when it's around Kevin. I hate this man and want him all at the same time. That can't be good for my mental health.

But when has any thing I crave been good for me. Chocolate, Pumpkin roll cake from Weis it's all the same.

(A/N: I really suggest that you try the pumpkin roll cake if you have a Weis near you! Is sooo good! I eat that thing like I'm on death row and it's my last meal)

God why am I thinking about these things. It's like my own mind is trying to distract me from ending the kiss. Damn my own mind is playing me.

I wanna pull away but i the same time his lips are so warm that I don't want to. I start to move my arms around his neck unconsciously. I'm not telling my body to do this. It's doing it by itself.

But just as my arms are about to be fully around his neck I pull away completely breathless. Gasping for air. Kevin is wearing one of his smirks. I hate it but I love it at the same time. I'm the most indecisive person to ever exist. It's like in the back of my head there is this audience that is yelling at me saying "do you want him or do you not want him!? Pick one lady!!".

And my answer to that is I don't know. I've been asking myself the same question over and over again. Yet here I am still asking myself the same question. Still with no answer. I honestly wish I knew the answer. Because it would make my life a whole lot easier. But nope life never goes my way.

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