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Evelyn POV

I step into the schools front doors. Lovely this is where I'll be spending my sophomore year. Gladstone High. I'm so not GLAD to be here. I amuse myself in my head.

Well this place looks like any other high school I've been to. There is nothing different about any of them. All of them are full of people that tend to be selfish and have no personality.

Maybe this one will be different. Who am I kidding, deep down I already know this school will have the same shallow people as before.

But my mother always said to try to see the best in people even if the don't do the same. I take a deep breath in and start walking toward the office.

I walk into honors history after trying to figure out where it was for the past 5 minutes. Yeah. Not my brightest moment.

The door slams behind me as I walk in. All the students and including the teacher turn their gaze to look at me. Great this is exactly what I needed. I take my earbuds out and quietly wave to everyone. Deep breath in Eve you'll be okay.

"And who might you be young lady"
"sorry I'm new here, I just transferred to this school"
"Oh then you must be Evelyn Hinge Miller, Well Ms. Hinge I hope your aware of the fact that your 5 minutes late"
"Yeah I know I'm sorry Ms?"
"Ms. Grant"
"I'm sorry Ms. Grant for being late it won't happen again"
"I would hope not Ms.Miller,but I know where only a few days in to the school year so I give a break"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"Well now that your here go take a seat in the back next to Mr. Khatchadourian who is sitting next to the window"

I don't hesitate and start walking towards my seat. But I'm takin aback by how gorgeous this man is. His shaggy hair works for him perfectly. His dark eyes blocks out anyway for people to read him.

I'm brought back into reality after a few seconds of standing still. I shake my head to try and get me out of this trance this boy has put me in.

I sit down in the seat next to him. He turns to look at me. It feels like he burning holes in my head. I hate it when people stare at me it makes my hands sweat. I turn my head towards him.

" uhhhh hi I'm Evelyn but I prefer to be called Eve"
He doesn't say anything he just keeps staring.
"Alright then"
I turn my head forward to the teacher. This is just great. The first person I talk to doesn't even wanna talk to me. This first day is going to a great start.

Comprehend | Kevin KhatchadourianWhere stories live. Discover now