Chapter Four - Varis

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"How many more villages are left Varis? It's getting late, we need to get back to the barrier." The General calls out, his jaw set in a hard line.

"This is the last one General, it is also the closest to the barrier so we will make it back before sunset." I answer, holding onto the reigns loosely.

The elders had informed us there was only one woman of age in their village while looking disappointed they couldn't offer more. I had hoped for more, but we had already collected two others and the other parties were sure to collect more.

We approach the house in question, most of the houses looked the same, small sad looking dwellings, mostly of stone and wood and looked liable to fall at any moment.

Outside stood a woman and her young children and she bows her head as we approach. The two young girls smile at as with wide eyes.

"Greetings," The General calls out. "We have come to collect your daughter of age." He says in a hard tone.

"Yes My Lord," The woman nods and looks around nervously. "My daughter, Daella, is of age, she..." She looks to the side of the house again, eyes wide and panicked. "She was just here, only I think she may have gone to the back of the house, I will go fetch her."

The scent of fear is strong even from my horse. It was normal for a mother to fear for her daughter at the offering, losing a child and knowing you would never see them again would be a normal thing to fear, but this was different.

"No," The general interrupts her, raising his hand. "Two of my men will go." He calls out their names and they instantly dismount and head towards the back of the house.

There was never normally any issues when it came to the offering, the people knew it was the price they paid for the treaty we had made with them, and we were generous with our terms and the amount of time we left in-between the collections. There had been a few instances when young human males had reacted violently, but for the most part we bought the soldiers with us to provide an escort for the human females.

Once they were chosen they became extremely valuable to the kingdom. Among the very first of our collections some of the women had tried to run, injuring themselves along the journey. There had been cases when warring kingdoms had interceded our group and tried to steal the women from us.

The King had ordered more soldiers and more protection for the women as time went on, ensuring each offering was always made in full.

I glance over my shoulder, the two other females we had collected sit in front of their allocated soldier, both with wide eyes, looking around with hesitation and fear. Again it was perfectly normal for these young fragile humans to be afraid. It wouldn't be until we had passed the gates into our Kingdom that they would be truly safe, and then even more so once they were inside the palace walls.

I wonder what is taking so long to fetch the human girl when I hear a small sound of struggle then the approaching footsteps of the returning soldiers.

The mother watches as the soldier's return, one holding the girls arms behind her back, mud and dirt cover part of her face and dress and she wears a scowl.

"Daella..." Her mother whispers, looking towards the General and back to her daughter.

"What happened?" The General asks his guards.

"She tried to run Sir, we informed her that it was the day of offering and she was to come with us." Greyvar answers, looking to the girl still struggling against the hold. It was strange to see, it had been some time since one of the women had struggled, and even now, seeing the army at her doorstep and knowing there would be no possible way for her to get away, still she struggles. "She then attempted to fight Mathias until he was able to capture her without harming her Sir, she struggled on the ground for a bit." He answers, perhaps sensing the Generals next question about her state of appearance.

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