Chapter Fifty Sixty - Demwyn

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I sit with Alvaryn to my right and Aeris beside him, they had finally started showing up to council meetings now father was awake and war was an imminent threat. They still weren't speaking to me and while it was infuriating, no matter what I said they refused to listen.

It felt odd to be on opposite sides for so long. Yes we had fought, it was only natural as brothers that we bickered and fought but this was different. We had never fought over someone else, especially over a woman. And our fights never lasted this long. We were planning to go to war and the last thing I wanted was for us to be on opposite sides.

I stand with the others around the table as the doors open and Father enters the room breaking my train of thought. He does his best to hold himself to his full height but I can see the slight struggle as he makes his way in and takes a seat at the head of the table.

He looks around the table, taking in each member. "Where is Varis?" He asks no one and everyone.

"I am here Your Majesty!" Varis calls out, rushing into the room breathless and holding a letter in his hands. "Apologies Your Majesty but I have just received a letter from Nievenyth with the Kings seal." He says taking his seat beside father.

"What does it say?" Father asks as I tense, feeling the leather of my uniform as I cross my arms over my chest and lean back into my chair waiting to hear what they have to say.

Varis opens the letter and clears his throat.

"To Your Highness, King Harwyn of Wyndelle, I write to you because by now you would have received our first warning. My brother, Prince Arden's visit was not all it was intended to be, while the idea of peace between our kingdoms is noble indeed, our true intention was to ascertain the truth of a rumour we had heard regarding your plan to marry your sons to humans. While we too have made an agreement with our neighbouring humans to carry on our lineage, we cannot support or allow you to give these lesser creatures positions of authority and rulership." Varis takes a steadying breath before continuing. "We have united ourselves with all neighbouring human villages and cities and now have a sizeable army. We are willing to forgo the attack on your kingdom if you agree to the following terms: Firstly you will acknowledge Nievenyth as the ruling kingdom and I, Callin Valgrin, your King. Secondly you are to dissolve the treaty you currently have with the humans that live at your borders and return their daughters to them immediately. If these terms are met we will withdraw our army and our two Kingdoms can be at peace once more. If you do not heed our warning and agree to our terms then we will attack with our full force. You have ten days. Signed, King Callin Valgrin of Nievenyth."

The room is silent as I sit staring at the letter in Varis hands.

"A warning," My father mutters. "He calls that attack a warning!" He snaps, hands fisted on the table in front of him.

"Your Majesty, we now have the proof needed to free Queen Marlia from her rooms and announce her innocence to the people." Varis offers, staring at the page he holds.

"Yes, we now have proof that they never intended peace between our Kingdoms, that what they want is for us to surrender ourselves to them and bow down to Callin!" Father raises his voice. "He wants us to destroy our treaty with the humans who have supposedly joined his forces and return our chosen!"

"He could be lying." Alvaryn says leaning forward in his seat. "We have no proof that the humans have joined him."

"You're right, we need to see for ourselves whether or not he is telling the truth, and how big this army of his is." Father agrees.

"Let me go, I'll take a few men and go and scout out their camps, get a number and find out if he is telling the truth or not." I say quickly.

He nods in agreement. "Yes, take two of your best men, scout out their camps, I want locations, numbers, weapons of war and whether or not the humans are fighting for him."

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