Chapter Twenty Four - Alvaryn

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Clever and beautiful. That's what she had called the leaf I used as a bookmark. What I had wanted to say was, 'just like you'. But I hadn't. No, I had merely said goodnight and left her on her way believing it was for the best.

She hated the idea of the offering and the selection, being married to a fae, just to grow old and die while they lived on. I had never thought about the after, or the during, what it would be like to watch your human wife age and grow old while you stay practically the same.

I suppose it had never been something I needed to consider, I knew one day I would marry, it would only be a matter of time, I just didn't expect it to be placed on me with so little warning.

Maybe I hoped I would meet my mate. Then there wouldn't be a choice, I would just know. There would be no selection, no question of whether or not I was choosing correctly, the fates would know who I was meant to be with and there would be none of this doubt clouding all of my thoughts.

I didn't want to go to dinner, I didn't want to see Aeris and think about how he had spent his time with her yesterday. I didn't want the question circling in my head until it was all I could think about, how could we both want Dae? We were nothing alike. Thinking about the fact that we were so vastly different only led me to think that he wasn't truly interested in her, that he was just playing, but he hadn't lied to me when I asked him. He truly didn't believe there was a competition. But he had become used to getting around my magic. Maybe he didn't believe there was a competition because he already saw himself as the winner. Or that there was no competition because there was no chance that I would win.

I didn't want to believe any of it. But the more time he spent with her, the more he seemed to change, no longer drinking as much, no longer stumbling in hungover to morning practice, all of it meant whatever it was he was doing with her was real. And that was a far worse option. We couldn't both have Dae. We couldn't share a wife. Right?

"Prince Alvaryn." I see Varis walking towards me and push my thoughts to the back of mind, stopping in front of him.


"I hope you are faring well, this is an exciting time for the kingdom, what with you and your brothers being in this offering." He smiles. I knew Varis was a cunning man, intelligent and careful but I never particularly cared for him. There was always something in the way he would hover around father, always listening, waiting, watching.

"Yes Varis, it is an important task me and my brothers have."

"I've noticed you and Prince Aeris showing particular interest in one of the chosen, I hope there isn't some brotherly rivalry going on." He smiles and I smile in return.

"I'm not sure what you mean, Aeris and I have been sure to meet each of the chosen, we want to make sure whichever one we pick will make the best wife." I reply not wanting to talk to this odious man about the offering or the selection or who I was interested in. I knew the offering was a particularly close tradition for him as he was the one who suggested it in the first place. Whenever there was an offering he hovered around, constantly watching every event, watching over the chosen in their lessons.

"Yes Your Highness, it is an important decision each of you has to make, not only to make sure you choose the best bride, but also to choose one that will be best for the Kingdom. Obviously whoever you and your brothers choose will become a Princess each to the Kingdom, it is an important place, and we have never had a human princess, let alone three."

"No we have not, by my father wanting us to choose our wives from the offering only means our relationship with the humans must be moving in the right direction, one that suggests a partnership with the humans, rather than just a treaty." I say, watching his expression. His smile tightens.

"I cannot say what The King was thinking when he requested you and the Princes to be a part of this offering, only he is eager for you to secure heirs for the kingdom. We have had peace with the humans for many years and the treaty which has allowed us to create the offering and allowed us to continue growing our race is a strong one. I see no need for it to change into anything more than it is Your Highness." He says with a bow of his head.

"Well I'm sure my father will take your thoughts on the matter into consideration as he does with all your other advice. As for me and my brothers, we will continue to take the offering and the upcoming selection seriously, knowing it is important."

"Yes Your Highness, I'm sure you will. I only want to offer you my advice when it comes to who you consider for the selection. I have spent time with all of the chosen, coming to know them and their ways, I have observed which ones would be well suited to the role of wife and princess to our Kingdom."

"Well I thank you for your offer Advisor, but I don't think it will be necessary at this stage. My brothers and I will use our time wisely to get to know each of the chosen and when the time comes, the choice will be ours alone to make." I say, getting tired of this conversation and all of his hidden suggestions and advice.

"Of course Your Highness, just know that my offer stands if you should ever have need of it." He bows before stepping aside to let me pass.

Just the thought of him having some kind of influence over who we choose makes me clench my jaw. I could only imagine which of the girls he would suggest, the quiet timid ones, shy and subservient, ready to smile and follow orders without a question.

Dae wouldn't be on his list. Is that why he had bought the fact he had noticed Aeris and I dancing with her? We hadn't been that obvious had we? We danced with most of the chosen. At least enough of them that father wouldn't say something.

Not that I particularly cared what Varis thought about who I spent my time with.

What if my intentions with Dae weren't just to be her friend? Then father wouldn't stop me. Unless Aeris was doing the same thing.

There was only one Dae, and we couldn't share her, right?

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