Chapter Forty Three - Alvaryn

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There had to be something, I was sure of it, some past Prince or King who had more than one wife, just something to prove it isn't complete lunacy that Aeris and I want to share a wife. Even the thought of it sounds strange.

I hadn't even really stopped to think of how it would work, not giving a second thought to the intricacies and details of a shared marriage.

My main focus has been on proving to my father that it is something that has happened in the past so he will give his permission for it to happen now. Otherwise, I didn't want to think about what would happen.

Would we be forced to decide which one marries her? Would one of us have to stand by and watch? I had told Dae that I would rather watch her be with Aeris then know she is with some lesser High Lord, but in all honesty I know it would be difficult. I mean we could still be friends, even though she said she wouldn't be able.

She had said she would rather be away from both of us then have to stand by and pretend she didn't want both of us.

I couldn't let that happen, I couldn't just let her leave the palace married to some pretentious High Lord who wouldn't even appreciate her and love her the way we do. He wouldn't take the time to talk to her and get to know her, he would parade her around, revelling in her youth and beauty and her ability to give him children. And then he would just stand by and watch as she ages and withers away.

I let out a frustrated growl as the book I read turns out to be useless and I close it with a loud slam I'm sure the librarians aren't happy about and shove it aside.

"You know you should probably treat those with a little more care." Aeris smiling voice reaches my ears as I look up from the table I stand at and see him look around. I couldn't remember the last time I had seen him in the library, he looked a little lost and uncertain.

"Well if they yielded the information I am after, I would." I reply, reaching for another tome and opening the cover.

"I suppose now wouldn't be the best time for us to discuss what is happening." He says reaching the table and looking down at the large books scattered and piled on the dark wood.

"Well that depends on what exactly you are referring to." I reply cautiously.

"Daella," I stop, standing straight to look at him as her name leaves his lips. "I'm guessing this," He goes on, gesturing at the books. "Has something to do with it."

I nod, running a hand through my hair. "It is, I'm trying to find precedent where someone of high station has married more than one person, a King with two or more wives, preferably two princes who married the same woman, but I think I would be asking for too much if I found a report of that happening."

"So you think it's possible then? That father would let us both marry Daella?"

I nod again, I'm not sure if it was just confidence or my complete denial that the outcome could happen in any other way.

"If I find proof of it happening in the past then the idea won't seem so far-fetched for him and then we would just need to convince him that it would be in our best interests. I mean, that is what you want, isn't it? To pick Dae at the selection?" I ask, looking up to study his reaction.

He nods, still staring down at the books, his fingers skimming over the leather bound volumes.

"It is, I wasn't sure for the longest time, but then the idea of her marrying a High Lord made everything a lot clearer."

"But you want to marry her? Because you love her, right? Not just so someone else won't have her?" I ask, needing to know how he truly felt about her once and for all.

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