Chapter Twenty Six - Daella

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I don't think I slept at all last night, and if I did sleep then those few hours were full of nightmares. I had seen the women I met yesterday, only the women ended up being my reflection in the mirror, they pulled me in and wrapped me up in colourful dresses, gold chains bunched around my throat and when I tried to pull away from them I just fell in deeper. I woke up feeling even more tired than when I had fallen asleep.

Someone knocks at my door and I let out a low growl, I was going to be late for breakfast but I didn't want to leave my rooms.

A servant stands holding a note with my name on it. I take it, thanking her before closing the door and opening it.

My Dear Daella,

Please meet me at the South Side gazebo as soon as your lessons have finished this afternoon.

Yours, Aeris

Well at least this was more subtle.

The day drags through lessons and senseless conversation as I try to play my part. I notice Fynley and want to know how she does it. How she looks so perfect each and every day. If only we could talk by ourselves, maybe she could tell me more, give me more advice. If I could hear how she truly thinks and feels then maybe it would be easier to get through each day knowing I wasn't alone in all of this.

By the time I find the gazebo I am exhausted, my face hurts from smiling and all I want to do is go and hide somewhere and fall into a dreamless sleep.

"Daella, my dear friend," Aeris calls out as soon as he sees me waiting under the gazebo with a small white flower in his hands. He holds it out towards me and bows.

"Afternoon," I stare at the flower not sure what to do with it.

"I thought it might be fun," He says, stepping close to me and tucking the flower into my hair. "seeing as how you enjoy adventures, if we go for a horse ride together." He smiles down at me.

"I've never ridden a horse by myself, I don't know how." I admit quickly.

"Ah, that's ok, we can share one and you will ride with me." He replies quickly.

"Why did you have me meet you here instead of the stables if this was your plan?" I ask, looking around, we were some way from the stables, hidden by hedges and rose bushes.

"Well, ever since our trip to the kennels I have noticed some of the other chosen have taken quite an interest in hovering around the kennels in the afternoons." He replies.

"Oh, sorry, I might have mentioned you took me there when they asked about it." I quickly apologize.

He tilts his head, studying me. "Why do you look as if you have had no sleep and are about to hit me with something large and heavy?" He asks.

"I had trouble sleeping last night, and today's lessons have tested my patience, like most days, only I'm struggling to pretend otherwise." I answer honestly, folding my arms over my chest.

"So you don't actually want to hit me with something large and heavy?" He teases.

I smile begrudgingly. "That depends on how the afternoon goes I suppose."

"There's that little spark of fire I have missed. Come, I have horses being prepared for us."

He says holding out his elbow, I take it, falling into his stride as he leads me away from the gazebo and around the garden.

"How are the puppies and Moira?" I ask as we walk.

"They are all doing very well, Belly Rubs misses you of course, and the others." He answers.

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