Chapter Fifty Four - Demwyn

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Another council meeting had come and gone where my brother's had refused to show up, instead choosing to spend their time with Daella.

After being told she had woken up and was by all accounts healthy and unharmed I had assumed they would start showing up and actively participating in their duties, but no, instead they remained by her side and ignored every one of my requests.

I was getting tired of waiting, it had only been a few days but it felt like months as I waited for my parents to wake up, to actually be able to make a decision, to act, to do something instead of hiding in this palace after an attack so personal and cold hearted.

I have never been an overly patient person, I can admit that, patience has always been Alvaryn's thing, Aeris was more on the side of reckless, while I would say I was more proactive, not so thoughtless that I would run into unknown situations with little thought or plan of action, but I wouldn't sit around and route out every possible scenario for hours on end either.

That was why we worked well together, my brothers and I were unbeatable on the field because together we made sense, we had every advantage. Alvaryn could plan any siege and had enough forethought to prevent attacks, Aeris was wild and reckless and willing to walk into any situation with little motivation or encouragement and still come out on the other side mostly unscathed, and I felt like I held everything together. Understanding how an army works, understanding the fae I fought beside, and understanding it took more than just someone who can order people about to make a good leader.

Now though, without my brothers by my side and the inability to make any real decisions I feel like a failure. I was born to lead, I was trained from infancy to lead an army, to be general of tens of thousands of soldiers and then to eventually rule over an entire kingdom. Why is it now, after everything I have been through, after all the years of training, the battles and the victories, after everything my brothers and I have been together that I feel completely unprepared and alone?

"Your Highness?" A servant enters the council room, distracting me from my train of thought.


"It's the Queen, she's awake." The young female says with a small curtsy.

I stand instantly and walk towards the door as she holds it open.

"Have my brothers been informed?" I ask as I reach her.

She nods quickly. "Yes your Highness."

Guards stand on duty as I make my way to my mothers rooms, they nod at me as I pass, two open the doors as I reach them and I walk in to find Alvaryn and Aeris at her bedside. Oenus is close to her, his hand hovering over her forehead and eyes closed in concentration.

"Mother," I say as the doors close behind me. Alvaryn and Aeris turn to me before looking at each other and back to mother.

"It's alright, I'm alright, just a little tired." She smiles softly.

Oenus opens his eyes, blinking before standing upright.

"Your Mother is by all accounts back to her usual self, her body is a little weakened from the release of magic, but I feel it will grow stronger quickly. Rest if all she requires." Oenus says stepping back from the bed.

Mother reaches out to touch his arm and smile up at him. He smiles down at her fondly, patting her hand.

"Thank you Oenus," Alvaryn says, touching his shoulder as he passes.

"Of course Your Highness, please call if there is anything you need at all. I will return later for another check up Your Majesty."

"Oenus," I say quietly, stopping him as he reaches me. He looks up and smiles.

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