Chapter Sixty Four - Daella

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My mind wakes lazily, I feel my limbs slow and heavy, and then something wrapped around me in a familiar embrace.

I open my eyes finding Alvaryn's sleeping face in front of me, one arm underneath my neck, the other over my waist holding me against him.

I didn't have a nightmare.

For the first night in days I slept through without a single dark thought poisoning my mind.

My hand tightens around Alvaryn's bare waist as I take in this knowledge. Alvaryn stirs, tightening his arms around me and pulling me closer for a moment before relaxing.

"Good morning," He smiles with eyes closed.

"I didn't have a nightmare." I say out loud, still in shock. His eyes open, studying me in confusion.

"For the first time in days I had no nightmare!" I say again not able to stop my excitement. "I thought that I would never be rid of them, but now, what if it was because you were with me? Like your magic inside of me sensed you, is that possible?" I ask, thinking out loud.

"I suppose, I haven't really considered it, we could talk to Quirin." He replies.

"I thought I would have them forever, that every time I went to sleep they would be there. But now, now we have a way to make them stop." I want to get up and jump around. For the first time in days I wasn't tired and grumpy and scared out of my mind, I was happy and excited.

"The 'way' being you sleeping beside me or Aeris?" He asks.

And I nod. "I think so."

"Well then I will be happy to make sure you don't have any more nightmares." He smiles.

"My servants will be here soon, and then Quirin will come by for his usual visit, I can ask him about it." I say trying to sit up but Alvaryn's arms tighten around me, stopping me from moving away from him.

"Not yet, just a few more minutes." He complains, pressing his face into my neck. I laugh at his reluctance.

"I'm afraid not, I doubt my servants want to walk in to a shirtless prince in my room." I say pulling his face back.

"How do you know?" He asks sarcastically. I just stare back at him and he sighs dramatically before relaxing his arms so I can crawl out of bed.

He gets out of bed and puts his shirt and jacket on before pulling on his boots. I wait for him near the door as he wraps his arms around me and lifts me up.

"Thank you for celebrating my name day with me, it was perfect." He says into my neck as my feet dangle above the floor.

"The first of many." I tell him, leaning back to kiss him. I run my hands through his hair, doing my best to put it in its usual place. "There." I smile at my work.

He sets me down with a smile and kisses the top of my head.

"I hope you have a good day." He says opening the door.

"You too." I smile before he closes the door behind him.

By the time I am sitting down for breakfast I am a bundle of nerves and excitement. Quirin had supported my idea, saying that their magic being so close would help keep the shield in place.

Maybe the gods had answered my prayer after all. Now that the selection was postponed the king had put a stop to our lessons and lectures. Instead we could spend our days however we saw fit. Our meals together still took place at morning, noon and dinner and while I was happy about the lessons I also wished we weren't forced to eat together for every meal.

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