Chapter Thirty Two - Daella

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I wake up slowly, thoughts lingering in a quickly fading dream of a dragon made of fire, beautiful music filling my ears and millions of stars shining overhead. I blink away the dream and remember the solstice. Sitting up I look around finding myself in my bed still dressed and no memory of how I got here.

Beside my bed is my flower crown and a note tucked underneath it. Alvaryn's neat script fills the page but doesn't help answer all of my questions. I had drank wine? Gods why can't I remember? I think I remember dancing with Rue and the other girls, their faces blending in together.

The servants walk in quietly pulling back the curtains to let in the light.

"Hello Miss, we thought you might want a sleep in after all the dancing last night." Saena smiles at me.

"Were you both there?" I ask getting out of bed.

"Oh yes Miss, everyone celebrates the Solstice." She answers before walking into the dressing room.

"Did you see me there, see what I was doing?" I ask as Lyari moves into the bathing room.

"Yes Miss I saw you having a merry time dancing around with the other chosen, why do you ask?"

"I drank some wine, now my memories are a little hazy."

"Don't worry about that Miss, they'll come back in time. Fae wine can do that to you if you have a little too much, or in your case maybe just a little." She smiles. "Come on, let's get you cleaned and dressed and ready for the first day of Summer."

The other chosen are all quiet at lunch, most with the same questions and hazy memories. I don't wait long before I leave the girls after lunch is finished and make my way to the atrium wondering if Alvaryn could fill in the gaps, or maybe I should just wait and let the memories come back on their own, surely I couldn't have gotten up to too much.

"Afternoon dearest, did you have a good sleep?" Aeris is the first to speak, smiling as he stands under the tree with his hands behind his back.

"I think so," I answer, turning to Alvaryn who smiles at me. "What's going on? Why are you both here?"

"We wanted to talk to you about something, I thought it would be better if we talk here." Alvaryn answers, nodding at the bench.

"Talk about what? Did I do something last night? I still don't remember everything, its mostly just dancing, and your fire magic." I say, looking at Aeris and he smiles back.

"It's alright, you haven't done anything wrong. You just told us something and we want to talk to you about it while you're sober." Alvaryn says.

I sit down hesitantly, what could I have said that has made them both want to be here at the same time?

"What did I tell you?" I ask looking to Alvaryn as Aeris picks up a garden chair and sets it in front of the bench before sitting down in front of us.

"Well, you spoke to us about Varis and Agaile." Alvaryn begins and my heart stops beating. "It's alright, you don't need to be scared, you are not in trouble." He insists putting a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm not sure what I told you exactly, but I had been drinking so I'm sure whatever it was probably wasn't true, you should just forget whatever it is I told you." I say quickly.

"We're not going to forget what you told us dearest." Aeris says leaning forward.

"And you weren't lying Dae," Alvaryn adds. "We know he has threatened you, that he and Agaile are watching you to ensure you meet their standards."

I look up at him, eyes wide, what do I say? I can't lie, he would know. What will happen now? What if he finds out?

"We are not going to tell anyone, we only want to help you, to make sure you know that you are safe here." Alvaryn says calmly but I don't feel calm.

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