Chapter Sixty Two - Daella

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It is dark all around, the night sky above as I stand in a field, something glows bright orange in the distance. A shrill scream fills the air and I start running towards it, gripping the skirt of my dress as I run as fast as I can.

Ash fills the air as the orange glow becomes clear and flames lick at the sky in front of me. Everything is on fire, houses are burning as far as I can see.

Another scream fills the night air and I turn towards it. I cough and choke as I get closer to the house, its shape familiar as I cover my mouth with my arm trying not to breathe in the smoke.

I can hear children crying as I walk through the open door and I recognize the room immediately. It's my home, the table stands in the middle, benches and cupboards all exactly as I last saw them.

Another scream and I come out of my stupor, moving towards the sound I open the door to my old bedroom and see my sisters and youngest brother on one of the beds huddled together.

"Come on, we have to get out of here!" I call out to them, picking Raine up in my arms and guiding the girls out to the main room.

I walk back to the front door with the girls in front of me as a beam crashes down behind us and flames flicker and flare to life. Ruthlyn screams, gripping her sisters arms as we make it outside.

"Where is mum?" I ask Winnow, tears leaving trails down her ash covered face. She points back at the house, flames covering the roof.

"Stay here!" I tell them, handing Raine over to her. "Look after your brother and sister."

I walk back into the house, stepping around the fallen beam and calling out.

"Mum! Where are you?" I cough and gasp as I move further into the house, sure the roof is about to fall on top of me.

Her scream has me turning towards her bedroom and I push open the door. There I see her, only she isn't alone. Aeris is holding her, one arm wrapped around her shoulders while the other is held away, flame covering his hand.

"Aeris, what are you doing?" I ask, confused and terrified.

"Taking care of your family." He answers with a sinister grin.

"You did this?" I ask in shock and anger.

"Of course, we couldn't have you wanting to run back home, you belong to us now." He answers looking to the floor where I see my father's legs on the floor behind the bed. Oh gods, is he dead?

"Just let my mother go, please!" I call out. "I'll do whatever you want, just don't hurt her." I beg, taking a step towards them, the house whines and creaks around us as the air grows warmer and I can feel the sweat soaking into my dress.

"Ah ah ah, she isn't your family anymore, we are, and we will make sure that you will never have a reason to leave us." He says looking down at my mother, her wide blue eyes stare at me in terror.

"Go Dae, it's for the best." She cries out and I shake my head, remembering her words, urging me to go with them the day they came for me.

"No, not like this." I cry as another crash behind me has me shrinking down in fear.

"It's too late Pet, everyone you know will burn here today, and then you will be all mine." He smiles, bringing his flame covered hand closer to my mother.

I scream, running towards them, needing to do something to stop him, as the roof comes crashing down on top of us and flames surround me.

I sit up, gasping for air, hand on my chest as I feel my heart racing.

My skin is burning up and the room feels too stuffy as it becomes clearer, candles lighting the dark space.

I crawl out of bed, my nightgown sticking to my sweat soaked skin as I push open the windows and take in deep lungful's of air. It is sweet and cold but I can still feel my insides burning like the fire from my nightmare is inside of me.

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