Chapter Three - Daella

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I stand near the kitchen bench and wait nervously for dad to finish his breakfast then starts getting ready to leave for the day.

"Dad, can I come with you and the boys?" I ask as he walks to the front door.

"What?" He asks looking confused as he stops to pull on his boots.

"I thought today I could go into the woods with you and the boys, I could help." I offer, trying not to beg.

"Dae, you can't go into the woods, you know that. And you can't come to work with me and the boys because it's not your place." He answers tugging on his other boot, setting it down with a heavy thud.

"Yeah Dae, you know the woods in no place for a girl." Tully says, coming to step up behind me with a grin on his face before ruffling my hair.

I slap his hand away and grimace at his remark and he just smirks as I step aside so he can open the door.

"That's only because we are never allowed, that doesn't mean it's no place for us. You could teach me how to hunt and I could help gather kindling for the fire." I counter desperately, trying to think of anything that will get him to agree.

"Dae I said no. It's not safe. Your place is here with your mother. I won't hear any more about it." He says with finality. "Tully, Ryder, time to go!"

"Bye Daddy!" Raine calls out from mum's arms and Dad smiles at him, giving him a small wave before stepping outside.

"Sorry Dae." Ryder says with a small smile before he follows dad and Tully outside and shuts the door behind him.

"Ruth, Winnie, time for school!" Mum calls out as the girls scramble to grab their books, they kiss mum and Raine goodbye before giving me a group hug and heading out the door.

"Time to get started with the chores." Mum says with a sigh before setting Raine down in his high chair and my heart sinks.

I stare at the dirty dishes on the table as Raine bangs his toy horse on the table over and over.

This is all my life would ever be.

"Dae," My mother says after putting Raine down for his sleep in the afternoon and finding me scrubbing a large pot at the trough, using every ounce of anger that burns within as I scrub until my fingers ache.

"Dae, stop scrubbing for a minute." She says standing behind me and I let out a heavy sigh.

I turn slowly, wiping my hands on a rag before folding my arms over my chest and mentally preparing myself for whatever speech she was about to give me.

"I heard you this morning, asking to go with your father and brothers." She begins. "You know it's not possible, why do you torture yourself by refusing to accept what your place is?"

"Because the alternative feels worse." I answer, not meeting her eyes.

"And what alternative is that?" She asks, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Of being forced into a loveless marriage, of having too many children to look after, of losing myself so completely that there is nothing left of me." I snap back quickly and instantly regret it. I know she doesn't deserve it.

Mum sighs, running her hand down my arm before pulling me in and hugging me gently. I don't understand how someone can have as much patience as she does.

"That won't be your life Dae, you have the chance to be truly happy and fulfilled. You have the chance to find real love and then you will come to realise what I did, that true happiness can only be found when you are complete." She smiles but I can't accept that. I won't accept that.

"I don't want to wait to be happy only when I have a husband. I don't want to find fulfilment in marriage and motherhood!" I pull my hands into fists at my sides. "I don't want your life mum!" I snap bitterly, anger reaching its boiling point.

With that I turn and run out the door, escaping out into the back yard and breathing in lungful's of fresh air. Regret fills me and I curse myself.

She didn't deserve it, but once again my anger proved stronger than my patience, which was practically non-existent.

No matter how many times I try and make her understand she refuses to listen, to truly hear me.

Was she right? Should I just accept that this is my life? Should I just surrender to my place in this world and do my duty?

The thought only causes more anger to stir.

But what choice did I have?

Off in the distance I can hear a quiet sound, like the distant rumble of thunder, only there were no storm clouds anywhere in the sky. I look around, straining my ears as the sound grows louder, getting closer. I walk to the side of the house, passing the chicken coop and the goats, the sound growing louder and louder.

"They're here, they're here!" Winnie calls out, running towards the house with Ruth at her side.

"Who's here?" I ask as they pant in front of me, cheeks flushed and foreheads sweaty.

"The fae!" She answers, breathing hard. "The fae soldiers are coming into the village for the offering."

My heart stops as I look down at my sisters, frozen in fear.

"Girls, why are you shouting?" Mother comes out holding Raine in her arms, woken up from his sleep.

"The fae soldiers are here for the offering mother, they just reached our village as we left school, they are speaking to the elders." Winnie answers grinning from ear to ear.

Mother looks at me with wide eyes, fear and hope warring in her expression.

I shake my head slightly and look around. I could run, I could hide in the woods. Maybe my brothers would help me.

"Alright girls, calm down, go inside and put away your things." Mum says, setting Raine down. "Take your brother with you." She comes over to me, smoothing the hair away from my face. "It's alright Dae, don't be scared, you will be alright."

I shake my head again, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

"I need to...I can't..." I can't breathe properly, my lungs stop and start as I look around franticly as I search for an escape.

"Just breathe, it's all going to be alright. You will have a much better future this way, you won't have to work every day of your life, you won't have to struggle, this is the better future Daella." She holds me by the shoulders, willing me to listen to her but all I can think and feel is run, run as fast as I can.

"No, no I will never see you again, or Father, Tully, Ryder, I won't even get to say goodbye. This isn't what I want." I say desperately, my hands trembling in fear.

"I will say goodbye for you. This is your adventure Dae, this is something new and different and I know you are scared but it's ok." She smiles, her eyes glassy as she pulls me in, crushing me against her body.

I hear the sound growing again, horse hooves, that is the sound that reminded me of thunder, an army of riders coming to take me away.

"Mama! Mama!" Raine cries out running out towards her.

"It's ok sweetheart." She calls out, letting me go to take Raine in her arms. Winnie and Ruth come outside as well with wide eyes and grins spread, drawn by the noise.

I don't think, I turn and run.

The Offeringजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें