Chapter Thirty Three - Demwyn

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I watch as the three of them walk out of the atrium together, out of all the places in the palace this was the last place I expected to find either one of them. I should have known Alvaryn would find a place that few went to.

What were they all doing in there together? Did they always spend time like this together? Why were they still seeing Daella like this?

I wait for Daella and Aeris to walk ahead before following Alvaryn, he hears my approach and turns with a look of wariness which turns into confusion then concern.

"Demwyn, what are you doing in this part of the palace, I didn't think you had an interest in exotic plants and flowers?" He smiles tightly.

"I want to know what you are doing still spending time with Daella." I reply, watching his eyes harden.

"That isn't really any of your concern now is it brother." He replies.

"Of course it is." I snap back. "You're both ignoring mine and father's advice and wasting your time with Daella, both of you still haggling over her like some prize pig at the market."

"Don't talk about her that way!" He snaps suddenly, finger pointing at me in warning. "You have no idea what you're talking about." He continues, taking a breath before smoothing down his jacket.

"You have feelings for her." I say simply, seeing the reaction I had caused. "What about Aeris?" I ask.

"I, I don't know. We, we haven't talked about Daella in that way." He stammers and I take a step back before moving forward again.

"You are no idiot Alvaryn, you have to see how stupid this is, for both of you to keep spending time with Daella with the selection only weeks away. How do you think this is going to end? What happened to blood is thicker than wine? Are you truly going to let this woman ruin your relationship with Aeris and lose him for good?" I demand.

"Blood is thicker than water and I am not going to lose him or anyone. You don't know what is going on, you have no semblance of understanding and I won't stand here and explain myself to you." He snaps back, anger flaring.

Alvaryn was always the more controlled one of all three of us, always slow to anger, but I seem to be finding every trigger in him.

"You will lose him Alvaryn, what will happen when it is time for the selection and you choose before he does, it will go in order of age, what will happen if you choose Daella and he will be forced to choose another. Do you think he will understand? Do you think he will accept it and move on and be happy for you both?" I ask already seeing the image in my mind.

"Don't act like you can see the future Demwyn, you speak like we are just waiting for disaster to happen when you have no idea." He snaps back, inches from my face now.

"I don't need to be clairvoyant to be able to see how it will turn out. You are willingly putting this human woman before your own brother. Why can't you just open your eyes and see the truth for yourself?" I nearly shout, wishing I could just beat some sense into him, into both of them. It had been easier when we were younger, any issues or confrontations would be taking out in the training ring. This was not something so easily fixed.

"I'm done talking about this with you. Keep your ill-advised opinions to yourself from now on." He says with a quiet stern voice before turning and stalking down the corridor.

He had feelings for Daella and if I wanted to bet on it I would bet Aeris does as well. How in the world did they think this would work out? How could they continue going on like this and not see it ending in flames?

It had been months when Aeris had given Alvaryn his scar before Aeris started speaking to him again, not for lack of trying on Alvaryn's part. But it had changed their relationship, it had changed Aeris, he had become removed and distant, locking himself away, sure he was too dangerous to be around other. When he finally relented and felt he had enough control over his emotions and his magic he was changed. They were able to repair their relationship but it wouldn't be so easy this time.

I could see it so clearly, as if I was standing in the hall watching it happen right now, Aeris might be able to handle it for a while, he might be able to go along for the selection ceremony but it wouldn't take long before he snaps and breaks.. I couldn't wait for him to combust and burn this place to the ground.

Neither one of them would listen to me or father but I refuse to just stand by and watch as it happens. 

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