Chapter Seventy Two - Daella

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"I don't know why he called to have this meeting in the throne room." Alvaryn mumbles as he adjusts the lapel of his coat.

"Of course you do, he wants us all to see him as King, not just our brother, he wants to lord it over us and remind each of us that his word is law." Aeris replies dryly.

Alvaryn scoffs. "I know he can be conceited but surely he wouldn't go that far."

"No? Then what other reason would he have to call us here, of all the places we could have met in the palace, hell in the kingdom, he chose the throne room where we would have to stand below him as his subjects, lesser." Aeris returns and I could hear the lack of sleep and constant anger in his voice.

"He won't say no, he can't, he wouldn't be so stupid." Alvaryn says confidently.

"So sure brother, I think it could go either way." Aeris replies.

"You truly think he would just let us leave? That he would refuse our terms and accept everything that comes with it?" Alvaryn asks, his voice becoming further away.

"I just know we shouldn't rule it out. He is an arrogant asshole and even more so now he wears that crown." Aeris answers.

"Dae?" I hear Alvaryn first.

"Dearest?" Aeris is next.

They both stop and turn around seeing that I had stopped walking in between them.

"What is it?" Aeris asks coming up to me and touching my face.

"Is something wrong?" Alvaryn asks concerned expression looking over me.

I shake my head, eyes staring straight ahead, seeing nothing but the doors to the throne room. They were impossibly tall, white and gold they glittered when the sun hit them just right.

How many times had I walked through these doors? How many times had I stood before them reminding myself to breathe, to keep my head down, to smile? Of all the times and the fear and the struggle this was so much worse.

"Dae, you're not blinking and your heart is racing." Alvaryn says seriously.

"She's terrified." Aeris says quietly, the back of his fingers grazing my cheek like a whisper.

"You need to say something Dae." Alvaryn says touching my shoulder.

I blink, taking in a shuddering breath.

"I can't," I whisper.

"What do you mean?" Aeris asks.

"I can't." I shake my head taking a step back. "I can't go in there."

Alvaryn puts his arm around my back stopping me from stepping away and Aeris places his hand on my face, cupping my cheek he turns me to look up at him and he smiles, dark eyes warm and comforting.

"Dearest, it's alright, we will be right beside you for every moment we are in there. Nothing bad will happen." He says confidently.

"How can you say that? How can you say nothing bad will happen?" I ask, eyes finding the door again. "He could say no, he could be angry at your ultimatum, he could refuse you out of spite."

"And if he does then he will have made his choice and we make ours. Either way we will have a future together." Alvaryn says quietly, hand soothing my back in calming circles but it doesn't ease the fear racing through me.

"Come on Dearest, there is no point in standing out here wondering what he will say and what will happen. It is best to just go in there and hear what he has to say." Aeris says kissing the top of my head.

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