Chapter Fifty Seven - Alvaryn

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I feel restless, like something inside me just won't sit still, a feeling I am not familiar with and do not enjoy.

After the early morning council meeting it was clear that war is inevitable. The only way around it was if Nievenyth was to surrender, and even then, there would be a debt that would need to be paid.

I wasn't foolish enough to believe that they would surrender, not after this kind of attack. It was planned and detailed and the level of risk involved by sending one of their own meant that the outcome they foresaw was worth it.

No, they would not surrender.

While it may have been years since we had fought with another Kingdom the memories are still vivid. I did not enjoy the battlefield like Aeris, and I was not born to lead an army like Demwyn, but strategy and forethought were things I excelled at.

While Demwyn could lead and encourage tens of thousands of soldiers with ease, and Aeris could walk onto any battlefield fearlessly, I couldn't deny there was pleasure to be found in knowing you had out thought your enemy and helped in the survival of your people.

Still I knew it would not be the same as the times before, not now I had something more, someone more.

I see Dae stand with the other chosen, her hands held in front of her, her face calm and effortlessly beautiful. The emerald green of her dress making her pale skin look like it is glowing. She turns then, catching my eye like she can hear my thoughts and she smiles, her bright blue eyes staring into mine with love and hope and trust. I smile and nod in return before she returns her attention to my father.

No, going into battle this time would not be the same, but knowing that I have something worth fighting for would make the victory even greater.

"My people," Father begins, hands raised to the high court gathered in the hall. "Thank you for joining me on such short notice. I am sure many of you have questions and concerns and I have called this High Court meeting to try and answer some of your questions."

I notice Mother's empty chair next to my Fathers. She is still in her rooms under guard. We knew she was innocent. But until we had proof, until Nievenyth or Arden himself admits to his actions she was still being held for attacking the king.

"All of you were there at the selection, a day that was meant to be one of new beginnings and future blessings to our great kingdom. However it turned into a day of darkness. Many of you witnessed my wife, Queen Marlia attack me." There is a quiet murmur around the room and I feel Aeris tense beside me as the rumours reach our ears. Father raises his hands again to silence them. "I am here to inform you that our beautiful and just Queen Marlia did not attack me of her own free will. We were attacked by the Nievenyth Kingdom. Our guest Prince Arden who was sent here with a promise of peace came with plans of treachery and war. We believe that Prince Arden used his dark magic to enter the dreams of Queen Marlia and plan the attack on myself. Queen Marlia would never attack a member of her own family willingly and this we all know."

"How do we know it was Prince Arden?" A male yells from the audience and I feel Aeris tense beside me again, his hands pulled into fists at his sides.

"Our second healer Quirin was the one to see to one of our chosen, Daella, after she was also attacked." Father holds his arm out towards Dae and I see her shrink under the attention as eyes turn towards her. "He was able to feel and sense Arden's dark nightmares in her mind and we have reason to believe that this same dark magic is what caused Queen Marlia to use her magic against me. I understand some of you may have doubts and questions which is why Queen Marlia will remain under guard in her rooms until we have proof of the attack and have bought the culprit to justice."

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