Chapter Sixty Nine - Varis

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No time would be wasted, there was no reason to wait, there was no doubt who would rule and nothing was bringing back the King and Queen and so here we all stand.

All of my years of service would not be ruined and come to nothing. I would continue to serve the Wyndelle Kingdom and while I would mourn the loss of King Harwyn and Queen Marlia I would move on and continue my purpose with Demwyn.

"To all those gathered I welcome you to the coronation of our new King and protector of the Kingdom." Oenus begins as he stands on the dais. "It is dark times that bring the coronation of our new ruler, but we look to the future of this new beginning and know that we will be in good hands with our new King."

"Prince Demwyn," He turns, looking at Demwyn who stands beside his brothers as he always has. I watch as he walks towards Oenus, expression calm and controlled. "Please kneel."

Demwyn kneels in front of Oenus as the audience watches from below. It has been centuries since we had a coronation and I can't deny the electricity in the room as those who are here to witness all watch in silence.

"Prince Demwyn, do you vow to protect the Kingdom of Wyndelle and all those who reside in it with your life?" Oenus asks.

"I do."

"And do you vow to uphold the values and traditions of Wyndelle as those who have ruled before you have done for as long as you may rule?"

"I do."

"Do you vow to do all in your power to serve the people, putting their needs above your own as is a King's duty?"

"I do."

"Then please say the oath."

"I Demwyn Osiris Valessia vow to rule Wyndelle as King and protector to the best of my ability. I will listen to the advice of my council and deal with all matters justly, great and small. I will use my sword and shield to protect the innocent and punish the lawless. I will use my crown to govern all those in my Kingdom and serve the people. And I will use my heart to show kindness and mercy to those who deserve it. All of these things I vow until my heir rightfully succeeds the thrown or until death takes me."

I can almost hear Harwyn as he said the same words so many years ago. They look so similar it is almost as if history is repeating itself.

Oenus picks up the King's crown from the cushion one of the guards holds in place and holds it over Demwyn's head. The silence in the room feels like a living thing, beating and breathing and waiting with anticipation.

"I, Oenus, Head Healer and servant of Wyndelle now name you King Demwyn Osiris Valessia." He calls out, placing the crown on his head. "Rise, Your Majesty."

Demwyn stands and turns to face the crowd below.

"Long live the King!" Oenus cries out.

"Long live the King!" The crowd and everyone in the room cries out in unison.

I stand in silence watching as Demwyn turns and walks towards the throne, he turns and takes his place, sitting on his throne.

"Long live the King!" Another unified cry rings out in the room.

"Long live the King!" The last cry fills the room and at once the lords all begin to move, taking their places in a long line as they each get ready to swear their loyalty to our new King.

Oenus bows to Demwyn long and low.

"I vow to continue to serve Wyndelle as Head Healer Your Majesty and swear loyalty to you as I did your father. I know you will do all in your power to serve our Kingdom as your father did before you." His words quiet, meant only for Demwyn.

Demwyn nods, accepting his vow in silence.

Alvaryn and Aeris are the next in line, Alvaryn steps up to his brother, bowing low.

"I Prince Alvaryn Rune Valessia swear my loyalty to you brother and will continue to serve our Kingdom."

Aeris is a step behind him, dark eyes hardened and body rigid. He bows slowly.

"I Prince Aeris Hadeon Valessia swear my loyalty to you brother and will continue to serve our Kingdom." Another nod from Demwyn.

Once they step aside, back to their places I take my place, bowing long and low with one arm at my waist and the other behind my back.

"I Varis Myrthwin, Advisor to the King and member of the council promise my loyalty to you King Demwyn. I vow to serve you as I did your father with honest advice while upholding the values and traditions your father upheld in his rule." I wait for his nod of acceptance and move back to my place at his side.

I stand and watch as lord after lord bow to our new King, their words of loyalty ringing out over and over again.

I had no doubt the coronation would go as it should, no question all that served Harwyn would serve Demwyn.

And while we still process the loss of the previous King and Queen I know in truth I have little time to truly secure my position. I didn't want to just be an advisor, no I wanted more, I wanted to be the first person Demwyn turned to, the person he trusted above all else.

Harwyn had Marlia, he would often rely on her for advice and wisdom, sharing everything with her and while I had served as his advisor I always felt there was room for more.

I couldn't have that for Demwyn. He would need to marry, and quickly, he would need to secure an heir as soon as possible. Harwyn had wanted to postpone the selection and any marriages until after the war and Nievenyth was dealt with and while I had disagreed with him there was no persuading him.

Now things are different, waiting however long it would take to defeat Nievenyth was no longer an option. It could take years. Demwyn would need a Queen and we still had the chosen within our palace walls to choose from.

He would no longer just be picking a wife and a princess, no he would be picking a Queen to rule with him and I intended for him to pick someone who would be easily managed. Someone who would listen to advice and take her place beside Demwyn as is the custom of a wife and give him heirs but no more.

He did not need a wife he could share his burdens with, someone he could go to for advice. I was his advisor and I will be there at his side for every decision made, guiding him for the best of the Kingdom.

There were many times Harwyn had not listened to me, the last leading to his own death. I know I could not have prevented it all together, I know the offer for peace was too good to refuse.

But I could not have the same with Demwyn. He was young, malleable, I could groom him and stand by his side, guiding him as his advisor until there is no doubt that my advice is the only one he heeds.

I glance at his brothers, the princes. Their minds had been deviated somewhat of late. Their fascination with the chosen, Daella, had been a nuisance but with everything else that had happened and the selection postponed it had fallen to the back of my mind.

If they wanted to bed her and use her, so be it, I would not try and stop them. If they intended to choose her for the selection however, that is something I will not allow to happen.

She would not make a suitable Princess, and despite her pathetic attempts to be more like the other chosen there was still no doubt in my mind that she was trouble and would be unwilling to listen to any advice given her.

Soon the Princes would be sent on their way and the chosen would be left behind safe inside the palace walls.

I would do all that is needed to ensure I have the King's ear and he trusts me completely, then his choice of our future Queen would be mine, and his brother's choices for their own wives would be mine as well.

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