Chapter Sixty Six - Alvaryn

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Something shakes me awake and I open my eyes to find Dae's sleeping face close to mine. I can't help but smile and tighten my arms around her, feeling her soft warm body beside mine.

I feel my eyes closing again heavy with sleep, not sure what woke me but wanting to enjoy this time alone with Dae.

Another shake on my shoulder and my eyes snap open and I turn over seeing two wide brown eyes staring at me.

A young servant girl stands with a lantern in her hands and a terrified look on her face.

"I'm so sorry to wake you Your Highness, but you must come quickly." She whispers, looking over my shoulder to Dae.

"What is it?" I whisper trying to shift my arm without waking Dae.

"It's the King and Queen Your Highness, they...they are both dead." She whimpers, squeezing her eyes together she steps back.

I stare in shock, then blink. My body moves into action, arm sliding out from under Dae, she stirs, still half asleep.

"Alvaryn, what is it?" She asks, voice rough with sleep.

"Nothing, just stay here." I whisper, kissing her temple I hurry out of bed and through the door. The servant follows me, my bare feet sprint down the corridors as I make my way to my parents wing.

Dead. Dead. They can't be dead. This is just a nightmare. I will wake up any moment now.

Guards stand at attention, their expressions just as fearful as the servants as I near my father's room first.

My hand falters as I reach out towards the door, my heart stuttering as I try and prepare myself.

I step into the room and see the blood first.

Bright red words have been painted onto the wall above my fathers bed.

Time's up.

"Alvaryn, I'm so sorry, there was nothing I could do." I hear Oenus somewhere close to me as I look down at my father's bed.

He lies on his back, eyes closed and throat slit as blood spills out soaking the sheets. Beside him is my mother, she is slumped on her side, her arms in front of her as blood pools around her.

"What happened?" I hear myself ask, voice cold and distant.

Varis clears his throat, stepping closer to me as I stand stuck here, unable to move or look away.

"It appears The Queen," He pauses. "She slit the King's throat before committing suicide by cutting her own wrists."

I stare at the wall, the bright red letters glaring at me.

Time's up.

Time's up.

Time's up.

"This is ridiculous!" Aeris snaps suddenly. "Mother would never murder her own husband!" He screams turning to me and then to Demwyn. "And what about that!" He demands, finger pointed at the blood on the wall. "Time's up! Why would she write time's up?" He yells.

"This wasn't her." Demwyn says, sounding calmer than I thought he would be. "This wasn't her doing. It was their warning. Ten days." He says quietly, eyes staring at our parents.

"You think this was another attack?" Varis asks.

Demwyn and Aeris turn to him, eyes daring him to deny it.

"Of course it was!" Aeris bites out. "It was their warning, they gave us ten days to surrender and we did not. Now..." He stops, turning away from Varis and back towards the bed.

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