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They barely made it behind the Kingdom walls before sunset. Evanora's mind was hectic. She was struggling with all the emotions that came rushing at her ever since they sat foot in the place. She felt pain and nervousness however as she watched the people and tried to study their faces, she couldn't help her curiosity, wondering if they were miserable now that they had been struck with a plague.

She hoped they were. She wanted them to feel sorry and guilty for the things they have done to her family, she wanted them to be haunted by their actions. If she could really help, are they worth saving? She thought, how can someone forgive the people who ruined their lives and help them? She doubted her own reason for going back, maybe she only wanted to watch their misery.

Her eyes watched the busy markets, the kingdom seemed to be doing well, better than when she lived here. The stands were full of goods, and the trading with the neighboring kingdoms must have been going well, better than before.

King Leith had lost all of his allies by the time she was a teen. Their knights were often sent to battles and wars to settle their King's disagreements and the people survived on the spoils of wars but it wasn't enough. Everyone was on edge, and a fight in the market could easily explode on a single piece of bread, while the King went on with his childish ways.

However, the feeling she was getting from the kingdom today was different. Things must have changed with the rule of the new king.

She scanned the old houses, her eyes longing to see one in particular, she tried to study the roads and closed her eyes as if to remember her way through. She used to walk through these roads every day, she knew every turn and every corner. Her body trembled slightly as she hoped that their house was still there, that it held on and did not crumble to the ground.

When they finally arrived at the castle, the horses came to a stop and the King jumped down then reached for her to help her down. Evanora wanted to save herself the embarrassment, scooted away from his touch, and jumped down alone. She landed on the sole of her left foot and felt sharp pain curse through her ankle. She pretended nothing happened and raised her head up.

"Now what?" She asked while looking at the King.

"She really has no manners, how could she speak to his Highness like that?"

"She spent most of her life in the woods, what do you expect of her.."

"She dares and raises her head in front of him.. What a wicked witch"

Evanora was hearing all kinds of offenses whispered around her by the knights and stable workers from the moment she set foot in the castle. She bit her lower lip and then turned around addressing everyone in front of her.

"Let's make things clear, I'm not here for any of you or your kingdom, the only thing I want to prove is that my family is innocent. This king is your king and not mine, I do not belong here and I will act as I please."

She then turned around to face Rokan with determined eyes challenging him and waiting for his reaction.

"Very well then, witch." He answered.

Feeling the air shift weirdly between them as he so easily agreed, she looked away scanning her surroundings before speaking again.

"Let's not waste time, show me the reason I'm here."

"Before we do that, let's have a few words." The king said as he started walking away, Evanora stood for a moment clueless before realizing she had to follow him, she rushed behind and tried to catch up with him and Sir Akare through the pain in her ankle.

The three entered a large room that appeared like the king's study. A large table was placed in the middle of the room right next to the window and another knight was standing next to it. The man watched her for a moment then greeted the king who silently acknowledged his presence before abruptly turning around and facing her.

"We may have come looking for you and asked for help, the faith of our kingdom might rely on you, but if you ever decide to do something behind my back or betray my people, you will pay with your life." Despite the weight of the words he spat, Rokan looked calm but his eyes told another story. She could see his protective nature and how he had meant every word.

Evanora snarled, he was finally showing his true colors. 

"I didn't even want to be here in the first place, I didn't want to have anything to do with your kingdom, I do not wish to harm or betray anyone, I want to be left alone but seeing your generous offer I decided to come." She mocked him and sighted. "I already told you that if I judge myself useless I will leave immediately. You do not have to fear me."

Evanora felt uncomfortable, they were seeing her as a threat, a wicked witch that can turn on them at any moment and she hated that. He was the one who gave her hope she could change that and clear the name of her family yet he didn't seem convinced that they never wished harm for anyone in the first place.

"Now can I see the patients?" Evanora asked, masking whatever emotions that were trying to come to the surface.

The king nodded to the blonde knight behind him and Sir Theon introduced himself before asking her to follow him and leading the way out of the room.

Theon led the way while Evanora and the King trailed behind. Evanora could feel her ankle throbbing with pain but she tried to keep up with them. Fortunately, the king kept a steady pace, she was capable of keeping up with.

No words were exchanged along the way and seeing how the number of servants decreased with every step they took, Evanora started feeling troubled, what if it was a trap? Her thoughts started running wild and she swallowed when the man in front of her came to a stop.

"Here we have kept most of the patients. The disease appears not to be highly contagious but for the King's safety, only you and I will go in, are you okay with that?" the knight explained.

Evanora took a deep breath then she closed her eyes and whispered a few words, slowly a violet light radiated from her palms and when she opened her eyes again, there was a shade of violet in her light green orbs. She cast one of the few spells she had to learn to protect herself and mask her presence from all demons while living in the enchanted forest.

"I can protect myself, do as you suit for yourselves." She said and pushed the door open.

"King Rokan!" Theon protested as he saw the king walking right behind her, smiling.

"Move, Theon." The king responded calmly, causing the knight to click his tongue and tag behind.

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